N o w W h a t?

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Betty's POV
So now what?
What am I supposed to do?
This baby was supposed to ruin my life, it was supposed to make me drop out of school, it was supposed to cause me all this pain and regret...but I loved it. I had loved my baby. But now I will never look into it's eyes, I'll never see if it looks more like me or Jughead. I'll never see it take its first steps, say its first words, and all the other joys that every mother has.

But I'm supposed to be happy. We were always talking about abortion right? We considered adoption didn't we? I never planned on being there for any of those milestones anyways...maybe I just had a fantasy in my head, of raising a child. I'd be a mom to a gorgeous little human, I mean I don't know where to begin on how incredible it would've been.

But now what?
What am I supposed to do?
It's gone.

"B?" Veronica distracts me from my thoughts as she opens the door to my lonely hospital room.
"Hey, come in." I manage a smile, hiding my heartbreak. But it's Veronica, who am I kidding, she can read me like a book.
"Oh Betty I know it's hard." She shuts the door and walks up to me. She leans over and gives an incredibly soft hug, treating me like a glass doll that could break any second.

"You know...that day that we took those pregnancy tests, I remember the look on your face when you found out that you were pregnant...you seemed shocked, and it looked like the life had been sucked out of you...but now, these past few weeks, I could tell that it was less of a nightmare. It was becoming something beautiful, and sure Betty life is so messed up, it is so so fucked up for us. We are just kids Betty. And everyone is going to say how relived you must be, that the baby is now gone, but I know that you are aching, that it hurts. But Betty listen to me when I say, it's okay to not be okay...wounds take time to heal and that's okay. And right now things are still so messed up, they always are, but I promise you that it will get better, and I am going to be here every step of the way, no matter how long you take to heal. I will always be there for you." She says with glassy eyes and a small smile.

I now have tear stained cheeks and a huge smile on my face. I have no idea how she managed to know just how I'm feeling, it's crazy, and I am so damn lucky.
"Thank you V that means the absolute world to me, I don't deserve you."
"You deserve so much more than me Betty Cooper. You truely do. But in the mean time I want to pay for your medical bills. And not with my parents money. I have a trust that belongs to me. And I will happily give up a years worth of shopping if it means you have one less thing to stress about."
"Veronica I can't accept, it's going to be a huge bill-"
"Which is why I am going to pay for it. With your dad in jail and your mom spiralling I'm sure finance is getting a little loose. So I can assure you that I've got it covered. You have no choice but to accept. Think of it as a get well gift." She smiles warmly.
"Veronica Lodge you are truely an angel" I giggle.

"So now what are you going to do?" She asks.
"I'm going to get better, heal, and go back to school. Life will go back to wat it was of fighting crime and solving mystery's. You, me, Jughead, Archie...we're like a much more twisted version of the Scooby Doo gang. We're like-"
"All so drastically different yet perfect together." She finishes my sentence.
"Yeah, and I don't think this story is over yet. This battle isn't over..."
"You mean the battle to destroy my father" she looks down shamefully with a small laugh, that wasn't joyful.
"I...I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"No don't worry Betty, I've chosen my side and it's with you guys. My father knows that, and he's ready for battle too. I'm not a Lodge anymore, I haven't been since the day he was sent to jail. The day our family was torn apart, and although it's mended I will happily watch it get destroyed once more, because I love this town, and I love my friends, and I'm not going to let some monster get in the way of their happiness..."

So now what?
Now we are just even more of a mess.
Now we are preparing for war against Hiram Lodge.
Now we are still trying to figure who we are, and what our future holds.
Now we have another hooded killer to deal with...

But who was it? Who was that man trying to kill us? He was lanky and had these piercing green eyes that almost seemed familiar, like I've looked into them before...

A/N hey guys! Hope that you liked this chapter, thought that we'd have some B and V moments! I just wanted to quickly say a huge thank you to all of you readers, I really appreciate your ongoing support with this story the love you show me is incredible! So thank you guys so so much! If you have anything characters you want to read about or plots twists that you'd love to see please leave them in the comments below! As always thanks for reading I love you all so much Xx

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