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Betty's POV
We all agreed to go to Pops. How I loved that place. It had been a haven, a safe spot, and now it's officially ours...well it's Veronica's, but it feels like ours. I think Jughead is happy bout her owning it too. Not only did V give FP a job but she also promised Jughead free burgers.
It was a place I always thought was safe. Even when dad shot Fred Andrews there...I still thought of it as the home of my innocence. And at the moment it was the only place where I wasn't criticised for...everything.

"So...now I'm just that pregnant girl." I sigh and rest my head on Jughead's shoulder.
"Don't say that Betty, you're so much more than that. Don't let this small little this define you." Veronica smiles from across the booth.
God I wish it didn't define me. I wish that it would all just be okay, that we wouldn't have to worry about a baby, my baby. I wish that I could just go to school and be the girl next door, I hate it, but it's better than being some slutty teen mom...

"How can I not let it define me. In a few months I'm going to have no choice but to drop out of school and take care of this child..." I mumble, but loud enough for everyone to hear.
"And I'm going to be the dad of the most amazing kid ever, and it's going to be just as beautiful and kindhearted as you, okay?" Jughead sweetly says, he always makes things so much easier m. I mean I always knew I wanted a future with him. To get married and to have kids, I just didn't want the kids part to be so soon.
Archie opens his mouth to say something but he's interrupted by a loud noise.

It rings in my head for a few moments. Is anyone hurt. I look around. No blood no screaming. I duck, hiding my head, just by instinct.
"Which one of you is the owner?" A voice bellows. I raise my head and Veronica's eyes meet mine. They're wide, full of fear. I've never really seen he like this. With such large glossy eyes, that I can't begin to describe. They look distant and confused. She gulps. No Veronica don't. Don't go.

She stands up. No Veronica please don't go. Archie lifts his head up.
"It's okay Archie." She calmly says and approaches the hooded man who is holding a gun like a little girl holding a doll.
"I'm the owner." She calmly says. How can she be calm.
"Little girl, you own this place?" He walks up to her, with such dominance that I can hear her whimper. Archie stands up. He's going to get himself killed if he's not careful.
"Yes. How can I help you?" She gulps.
"I'm going to need to see your cash register." He holds the gun up to her.
She nods and slowly walks towards the cash register.
"And Red I wouldn't step any closer if I were you." He says, shifting the guns focus to Archie.
Veronica opens the cash register and retrieves all of the cash.
"All of it slut." He scoffs.
Archie's face is as red as his hair. Here comes the irrational thinking. He takes a few steps forward. Boom.
"Archie!" I yell and jolt infront of him.

Wow everything looks kinda fuzzy. It wasn't fuzzy before. I feel light, like I'm flying. The bell chimes. Is he gone? Is that blood?
I feel Jughead's arms grab my body. I'm falling. I can't stand up. Archie rushes to the ground and helps hold me up, I snap back into reality.
"Veronica! 911!" The redhead yells.
No I'm done it's no big deal it doesn't hurt that much, it's all just fading...just slowly going dark.
"Stay with me Betty...stay with me...please Betty stay." Jughead's cries are the last thing I hear.

Archie's POV
"Tell me again what happened?" The cops asks once more.
"A hooded man came in and just wanted some cash I guess, he told me not to move or else he'd shoot, but he called my girlfriend, the raven haired one over there, he called her a slut and I...I...I just started walking towards him and Betty got up and put herself between the bullet he fired and I. It hit her stomach, she lost a lot of blood from what I can tell."
"I can tell kid, it's all over you." The cop continues to make notes. I look down at my clothes, a once blue shirt now a rich red.

We all finished up interviews and rushed to the hospital.
"Hi um our firmed Elizabeth Cooper was just admitted here after being shot in the stomach-"
"Elizabeth Cooper is still in surgery." The old lady interrupts me.
"When will we see her? Is she alright?" Jughead asks.
"I just do the administration I don't know who is and isn't okay dear. But I'm sure she'll be alright, she was breathing when they bought her in. Have faith my loves."

Old people are weird.
We all take a seat. And the waiting begins. I hate this place. I've been here way to much this past year. It's haunting. Seeing all of the bodies being bought in and out, all of the doctors and nurses hard at work. But the worst part is the helplessness. The fact that all I can do is just sit here and wait, anticipation eating at me, just waiting for a 'dead' or 'alive'.

"Talk about déjàvu..."Veronica sighs.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Just a few weeks ago we were here cause Betty fainted, we were all wondering when she would wake up...except this time we're wondering if she'll wake up..." Veronica's sentence fades out as her eyes get glossy. Shit I can't begin to think of life without Betty Cooper, the perfect girl next door. I don't want to think about life without her.
"She'll be alright. She's Betty. She's a fighter." Jughead says, he is surprisingly the calmest of us all.

Hours go by, night call arrives. We've done at least 6 coffee trips and we've asked about 100 time to see if Betty is out of the operation room. We all look dead. Jughead's worry has started to settle in, Veronica is a mess, I don't even know how to think straight anymore. Kevin has joined us, he's not looking so good either. Mrs Cooper was in New York for a journalist event but she's on her way, and well I guess we are still just waiting...
"Elizabeth Cooper." A doctor enters the waiting room. We all stand, signifying that we are here for her. She walks over to us with a straight face.
"Elizabeth is out of surgery, we were able to remove the bullet and stop all of the external and internal bleeding. She isn't breathing on her own just yet but we are hopeful that she won't need any help soon. She's unconscious, but she should wake up soon once the anesthetiser wears off." She gives us a warm smile. Everyone gives a sigh of relief. Thank god Betty is okay.
"But there is one issue that we faced." We all look up at the doctor whose smile has disappeared.
"I'm sure you knew, Elizabeth was pregnant. The bullet unfortunately hit her in the womb. Now the baby itself wasn't hurt but the uterus was punctured, making it impossible for her to carry a baby at the moment. We did all we could but I'm sorry, the baby didn't make it."

Oh. The baby.

A/N omg I haven't upstaged in agessss! So sorry about that I've just been so so so busy, it's crazy! Now I know that pregnancy is a sensitive topic for some readers, this is purely for the story line as I needed a problem to arise. If you have any personal issue regarding miscarriage or pregnancy please reach out to a trusted adult or a loved one. As always thank you my loves for reading xx

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