B e a u t i f u l M i s t a k e

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Betty's POV
While everyone else is at school today, I'm stuck at home, I'm probably not missing out on much though...

I wake up still aching, the bones in my body cracking slightly as I adjust my position to be standing up. I grab my phone from my side table and see a bunch of texts.
V💘-Hope you're feeling better today xx
Archie🏈-Rest up Betty, hope you're okay
Juggie💖-Love you, get better soon x
Kev🏳️‍🌈-You will not believe what happened today! Get well soon!

My eyes scroll past the texts, aww everyone's so sweet, the only thing that's working out in my life right now is my friends.

I hear a lightly knock on the door.
"Come in"
I expected it to be mom here to have another go at me but I'm surprised when I see Polly enter.
"Polly, hi..." I greet her warmly.
"Hey Betty..." she paused before sitting on the edge of my bed.
"I heard what happened." She simply states, staring at my flat stomach. I look down too. There's a baby in there, in me. Growing tiny fingers and toes. Does it have my eyes or Jugheads...is it a boy or girl, what if they're twins, the possibilities are endless for the little human growing inside me, it's both scary and exciting.
"You know when I fell pregnant, I was over the moon about it, but the second I heard that something happened to Jason I just wanted to get rid off it, to get rid of my unborn babies but by then it was too late. When I went to the farm they taught me to love and care for Juniper and Dagwood and now I wouldn't even think to give them up, what are you going to do?" She asks me, placing her hand on my knee.
"Well at first I wanted an abortion but now I want to keep it." I briefly explain.
"Betty, as much as I love my babies, I thought you would've learnt through my mistakes that this is a sin."

She sounded like Dad. A lot like Dad. Talking about sin, I was so sick of that word, why sin. This wasn't a sin it was a mistake, a beautiful mistake. Wait is Polly saying I should get rid of the baby.

"Polly, it-it's not a sin having a baby."
"Yes it is Betty, especially at your age, the sisters taught me that. Even if you weren't pregnant then what you did still would've been a sin." She explains, gripping my knee ever so slightly.
Wait was she talking about sex, that's what this is about? I cringe slightly even at the thought of talking about this.
"Oh Betty you're just like me when I was in your position, vulnerable and scared."
"I'm not like you Polly, I'm not scared of this, I can be a good mom."
"Betty" She let's go of my knee and her voice softens.
"I will spend the next few years wishing with all my hopes that I'll be a good mom to my children but I just can't be, no one wants to employ an underaged widowed mother of two, and I can't rely on Mom forever. I can't give my babies the life they deserve. So even if you do have the child, there is someone out there who might not be able to conceive who may really want to take a newborn under their wing." She smiles warmly as she explains.

She has a fair point, I even know a few co workers of Mom who are looking to adopt. It could work out, but what if it turn out like what happened with mom, when she gave her and FP's baby away...maybe it's too soon to judge.
"But Betty no matter what you do I'm happy to share my advice, sister to sister, mother to mother."
"Thank you Polly..."
Now I'm having second thoughts...maybe I should give the baby away, maybe that would be the right choice...would it be?

Polly leaves my room and gently shuts the door, so I decide to call Veronica, we have to discuss this.
"Hey B how are you? Is everything alright?" Veronica asks, immediately picking up.
"Yeah I'm fine can you come here after school I need to talk to you about the baby."
"Of corse Betty, I'll be at your place around 4"
She hangs up, as she had to get to class I'm assuming, and I sigh. This is going to be a long 9 months.

Veronica's POV
I hang up after speaking to Betty and Hayley waltzes up to me.
"Who was that?" She pries.
"Just my friend Betty whose home sick today." I technically wasn't lying.
"So care to show me around the school cause I've already gotten lost a million times." She giggles lightly.
"Of corse. Well first off this is the school hallway I suppose nothing interesting just lockers, oh and here is the student lounge, we hang out here during the school day during our free periods." I lead her into a fairly busy student lounge. I watch her look around at the chatting groups.
"So what's the social scene around here?" She asks.
"Well you have your Vixens the cheerleaders of corse, run by Cheryl Blossom the redhead over there." I point out Cheryl.
"Are you apart of the Vixens, you used to do cheerleading in NY."
"Yep I'm apart of the squad, you should join you were amazing at cheer the last time I saw you. Anyways over here you have the southsiders, or serpents should I say, there is some drama revolving around them, but for the most part they are all super friendly and nice, despite how scary they look, you have your pussy cats, run by Josie, they are the main music group of the school,  oh and those are a few of the bulldogs, they wear their letterman jackets everywhere and most of them are obsessed with themselves, exhibit A Reggie Mantel." I point at Reggie who is currently talking to Archie and a few other bulldogs.
"Whose the quarter back of the bulldogs?" Typical Hayley just wanting to check out the quarter back.
"Archie Andrews, the red headed one, he's also the student council president and a crazy talented musician" I watch as Hayley full on check out my boyfriend whose leaning against the wall like a typical jock, a cocky grin plastered over his face. Am I jealous of her looking him up and down? Of corse not, he's mine.
"Has he got a girlfriend?" She asks, maybe I should have a little fun with this.
"Of corse he has a girlfriend I mean look at him."
"Don't worry that won't last long once he meets me." She smirks.
"Hmm I wouldn't be to sure about that, he's crazy in love with her, they do practically everything together, so don't get your hopes up, wanna meet him anyways I'm sure he's interested in seeing who the new girl of Riverdale high is."
"You know him well enough to introduce me to him?" She seems shocked. I simply nod and walk up to Archie, tapping him lightly on the shoulder, turning his attention from the bulldogs to me.
"Hey babe." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Hi Archiekins" I give him a short but deep kiss, just enough to put a shocked expression on Hayley's face.
I pull back and smirk slightly.
"Now Archie this is Hayley, a friend of mine from New York, Hayley this is Archie my boyfriend."
Her face is priceless as it hides her jealousy.
"Sup" Archie says shaking her hand.
Well this should be fun.

A/N hey all! Thank you so so so much for 400 reads! Betty seems torn now with what to do and Hayley is all fired up! What do you want to happen next? Comment and I'll see what I can do to keep you satisfied! As always thanks for reading! Xxx

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