Y o u ' v e C h a n g e d

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Veronica's POV
I invite Hayley over to my place, considering the fact that we have heaps to catch up on.
"Well this is a step down from the Dakota" she states mindlessly as she I open the door to our apartment.
"Well it's enough, besides I barely spend time here anymore I'm always busy." I open the door to my bedroom and drop my things onto my desk.
"Well Riverdale is-"
"Different to New York" I finish her sentence. "I know, that's what I first thought when I got here, but it's grown on me."
She looks around my room, staring at the multiple pictures I have on my vanity.
"So are they like your group?" She asks pointing to a picture of Betty, Jughead and Archie.
"Along with Kevin, Cheryl, Josie and others, I guess we're all friends in Riverdale."
She observes more pictures.
"So I've been speaking to Nick lately, he says you've changed."
"I'm less wild that's for sure-"
"That must be the doing of Girl Next Door over here" she cuts me off holding a picture of Betty and I.

Typical Hayley always making assumptions.
"I wasn't fond of who I was back in New York, I changed myself, stuck with a better crowd, and here I am."
She fakes hurt as I mention 'a better crowd'
"Well I'm sure this new good girl Veronica Lodge will grow on me. But first things first how on Earth did you force that red headed hottie to date you?" She sits down on my bed, classic Hayley desperate for gossip.
"I didn't force him to date me, it's a long story really, made out the day we met, had a few other moments, weren't really a thing, made out at Jughead's flop of a birthday party, still didn't date, and well after a while it just happened I guess, nothing interesting really"
"Well orange is a new flavour, have you..?" She fades off, smirking slightly.
"Have we what?" I fake innocence bowing full well she wants details on the sex side of things.
"Well have you two ever done it?"
I roll my eyes, she always loved to pry into things people really don't want to talk about.
"Yes, obviously, don't ask for the details you'd be scarred for life." I giggle lightly.
"You got lucky Lodge cause he seems like a total hottie, not really your type though"
"What do you mean?" I ask as my brow furrows.

Not my type? Archie is so my type! I would hope so we've been dating for almost a year now!

"Well he seems like such an all rounded kid you know, like he's a jock, musician, school hottie, council president, teachers pet, and you're Veronica Lodge the trouble maker." She smirks.
"Ex trouble maker, and so what he's all those things I guess I got lucky. What, do you think he's more suitable for you?" I giggle lightly at the end going along with the banta.

"Possibly," She smirks, "I mean I bet I can get him to fall for me during my time here."

Who does she think she is? Thinking she can waltz in and steal my boyfriend! Besides Archie would never cheat on me...right?
I giggle lightly, attempting to make her feel nervous.
"Good luck with that, try getting him to to bang you while your at it." I sarcastically remark.
"Maybe I will, first one to have it with him wins."
I roll my eyes, this should be easy, get Archie revved up and boom the rest will be history.
"And what would the prize be exactly?"
"Archie, if you win, I'll back off, if I win, you break up with him."

I always knew that Hayley was stupid but not this stupid, seriously has she completely forgotten that he's my boyfriend. Like cmon. Of corse we've made the deal now, she can't back out. Besides Archie would never cheat on me...he wouldn't.

Archie's POV
I'm walking home after picking up dinner from Pops when a car suddenly pulls up next to me, the window rolls down and of corse Hiram in on the other side.
"What do you want?" I ask, continuing to walk forward, avoiding eye contact.
I approach my house and he decides it would be a good idea to get out of his car and join me on the side walk.

"Archie about the other night." He begins.
Right, the other night where I basically threatened to kill him, stabbed his desk with a knife, and then the following day he decides to have Sheriff Minetta arrest me.
"Right Mr Lodge, I'm sorry that your little plan didn't work out." I sarcastically remark.
"I think we've had a misunderstanding Archie-"
"No sir I don't think there has been any misunderstanding in fact, I can see perfectly clear through your lies. Did you really think arresting me was going to work, that manipulating Minetta and his crew to attempt to send me to jail was going to get rid of me?" I scoff. He just stands there, silently, so tormenting him some more seems like a good idea.

"Well Mr Lodge as I said I am going to be everywhere you go, I'll always be back, and each time you attempt to get rid of me I'll just come back with more anger, and more power. Your smart, I'll give you that, but I will always be one step ahead of you, I have eyes and ears everywhere, I'll always be back, until I bring you down." I stop, realising that I'm starting to sound insane but I can't help it. It feels like something inside me had just gone...dark.

All he does is give a low cocky laugh.
"Oh Archie, you remind me of myself, all angry and fired up, however all of your plans to destroy me, not gonna happen, I have the mayor office, I have the Southside, the so dale project, and your going to be the first incarnate in the prison I build. And I wouldn't try to stop me, or Veronica will be the one to pay the price-"
"Don't you dare hurt her." I cut him off.
"Oh I won't, but if you try to stop me, well she may find herself in a bit of trouble."
"Hiram...if you think putting Veronica in the firing line is going to stop me then you are so incredibly wrong. Sir, you have everything you want, and you are so close to getting the Sodale project started, you're so close to taking over Riverdale." I pause, scoffing slightly.
"It's a shame that I'm the last thing standing your way." I smirk, deciding that that was my queue to leave. I walk up and into my house, leaving him speechless.

Once I'm inside I give a sigh of relief...that was interesting. I just felt something come over me, like I wasn't just me anymore, like I wasn't in control, like there was this darkness inside me. Like I had gone dark. Like it had all gone dark.

A/N ohhhh dark Archie! This calls for some advice from Betty! Sorry that I'm doing heaps of Varchie they are my main ship so I'm showing a bit of bias towards them, I'm trying my best to play fair and give the other ships some action! As always leave your comments they always help so much even if they are just opinions! Thanks for reading xxx

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