R e t u r n

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Cheryl's POV
Well how interesting can school days get. I mean it's Tuesday. Literally the worst day of the week. I have english, math, chemistry and French. I'm pretty sure I'm already half asleep.

"You still in there Cheryl" Toni's angelic laugh interrupts my thoughts.
"Sorry my mind has just been so busy, you know despite the fact that the drama is at a minimum." I shut my locker and we begin walking to class.
"If you don't count Archie being arrested, Joaquin returning, Veronica's frenemy showing up and Betty being pregnant as drama then yes the drama is at a minimum-"
"Wait Betty's pregnant!" I whisper yell as I come to a sudden stop.

My innocent cousin, pregnant!?

"Shit I wasn't supposed to say anything, it's been the gossip among the serpents, a few rumours here and there, it may not even be true, I mean Jughead hasn't said anything about it. Please don't say anything to anyone"

"Oh Toni, of corse I won't say anything. I just hope that poor Betty is okay"
"Cheryl?!" I hear a voice exclaim.

"Heather?" I ask as I look at her. Standing in front of me.
My first love. My first kiss. My first. Infront of me. After 3 years.
"Wh-wh-what are you doing here?" I ask. She left, didn't she? Ages ago, when mother caught us.
"I moved back to Riverdale! Aren't you happy?" She asked with a hopeful tone.

For a while I had dreamed of the moment she came back, how we'd talk for hours catching up on everything, how she'd run up and give me the warmest hug, and how she'd say how much she missed me. But I wasn't happy to see her like I had thought I would, long ago. I stare blankly at her unchanged blond hair and green eyes.

"Who's this?" She asks, after I didn't answer.
"Uhm this is...her name is...uhh"
"I'm Toni, Cheryl's girlfriend"

There's the happy. That happy I thought I felt with Heather. Toni had never actually called me her girlfriend before. I liked the sound of it. It gave me butterflies in my stomach and it put a smile on my face. Like it was meant to.

"Right sorry I'm Heather, Cheryl and I were-"
"Friends!" I cut her off "we were friends, anyways Heather as lovely as this little reunion has been my girlfriend and I have to go to class now" I say dragging Toni away.

She can't know. She jut can't find out who Heather was.

Jughead's POV
Well how interesting can school days get. I mean it's Tuesday. Literally the worst day of the week. Nothing interesting ever happens. Except for Heather, I saw her walking the school halls, that was new.

"Jughead Jones to the front office, Jughead Jones to the front office now" a voice crackled over the loudspeaker as I say down for chemistry.
"What have you done now" Archie chuckles from next to me.
"Weatherbee probably wants to talk about the serpents and how juvenile they are" I mutter as I collect my stuff.
"Well good luck" he sarcastically remarks, flashing a smirk.

I roll my eyes and walk towards the front office. Okay how should I tell Weatherbee for the millionth time that the serpents haven't done anything wrong. Well. They haven't done much wrong. Maybe he just wants to talk about the Blue and Gold. I push the door open and I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready for what was in front of me.

"Jellybean? Mom?" I take a step forward.
Mum doesn't smile, Jellybean does. Her smile hasn't changed, it's still wide and beautiful. Mums stern look hasn't changed either. You'd think that after several years she'd be at least the slightest bit happy to see me.

"Juggie!" Jellybean squeals and clashed into me with all her force. I hug her back. She's a lot taller. Quite tall for a 13 year old.
"I missed you" I hear her whisper through our embrace.
"I missed you too Jellybean"
"Actually it's JB now" She smiles and pulls back from the hug.
"Right sorry, JB, got it" I return the smile.

Then I look at mom. She still hasn't budged. Her lips isn't in a crescent smile. It's flat and still.
"Hi Mom"
"Forsythe, we need to talk"

A/N well how many returns can there be! Joaquin, Hayley, Heather and now Jellybean too! But what does Mrs Jones want to talk to Jughead about? I love reading your comments so please leave one below on what you think will happen next! Also holy moly you guys 2k reads! This is blowing my mind! Thank you all so so so so much! As always thanks for reading xx

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