H i d e M y H u r t

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Cheryl's POV
I was walking home from school when the brown haired beauty of my past catches up to me.
"Cheryl listen, I feel like things started off weirdly I didn't mean to cause a commotion-"
"It's fine Heather" I cut her off, sound ruder than what I intended. She seemed to be a little hurt but she hid it well, she always had.
It goes silent and we continue walking forward, maybe I should give her a chance...

"I'm craving a milkshake, you remember Pops right? Care to join me?" Her face lights up at my offer.
"I'd love to Cheryl it's been too long since I've had a meal at Pops." She beams.

Oh god what have I gotten myself into.

*at pops*
"And I'll have a chocolate milkshake" Heather finishes the order and Pop walks off.
"So how have, you know, the past two years been?" She asks, kindly attempting to make convocation.
"They've been eventful, full of drama of corse-"
"I assume you still run the school" She giggles. God I missed that giggle more than I thought I would.
"But of corse" I smile.
"So where's Jason, I haven't seen him at school? How is he?"

She didn't know, did she? That I was now only half a twin. I can feel water building up in my eyes, but like Heather, I'm good at hiding my hurt.
"Jason was murdered last year" I simply state, fighting back the tears. Her face goes soft and she grabs my hand from across the table.
"Cheryl I'm so so sorry, if I had any idea I wouldn't have asked..." she offers me a warm, slightly apologetic, smile.
"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault you don't know. To make matters worse it was my father who committed the sickening crime. Since then I've tried to kill myself, a masked mass murderer invaded the town, a mobster Hiram Lodge has bought over the Southside, speaking of which I'm a serpent, and yeah basically 12 people have died in the past few months because of it." I blurt out, needing to get everything off my chest.

I'm not surprised that Heather hasnt judges me for my lack of mental stability, or for joining the serpents for that matter. One distinct thing about her is that she is always so accepting. Of everything. Of people, of life, she just takes it as it comes, which I think is truely beautiful.

"Cheryl, I'm so sorry that I haven't been here for you through all of this, but I'm glad that you have your friends, and Toni, she seems like a lovely girl" Heather warmly says, a crescent smile forming on her lips.
"Thank you, and yes Toni is wonderful, it's been good to have someone like...well like you"

I shouldn't have said that, because what I did next I didn't think I'd to. I kissed her. Why did I do that?! It was in the moment I guess, I was upset, and she was there and...and I had missed her.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" I stutter, pulling back.
She looks rather shocked, but as always she can read my mind.
"It's okay Cheryl, I think you've just had a rough couple of months. I won't say anything to Toni, this never happened." She smiles.
God that could've been bad, thankfully Heather is loyal and responsible, she won't tell Toni.

But I'm doubting whether I regret the kiss or not.

Toni's POV
"She kisses her Jug!" I complain as we reach the sight of the new serpents base.
"Slow down Toni, maybe it just looks like Cheryl, there are plenty of Red heads in the town!" He tries to reason.
"Nope it was her, and that Heather girl! I was at Pops collecting coffee for fangs and sweet pea and when I was arriving I saw them kiss!" I feel my heart racing a million miles. She couldn't have, how dare she play me like that.
"Maybe it was just Heather-"
"No, it was Cheryl. Cheryl leaned in and kissed her, if anything it was Heather who pulled back" I roll my eyes, attempting to hide my hurt. I continue, when I realise Jughead is starting to notice the tears building up in my eyes.
"You know what it's nothing compared to having a pregnant girlfriend. Speaking of which how is Betty?" I shift the focus.
"She's as good as a pregnant teenager can be. I was worried about her coming back to school but she seemed really happy to be back, like it was a distraction. We just don't want people knowing, the last thing we need is for there to be rumours about it floating around." He sits by the fire and sighs. I feel bad, but at the same time I can get Cheryl off my mind.
"It'll be alright Jug, I won't tell anyone, and Archie and Veronica wouldn't say anything either. I just don't know what you are going to do" I look over at him. He looks back and gives me a weak smile and says,
"Me neither"

A/N hey guys! I know that heaps of you are choni fans so I decided to finally write a chapter for them...but I'm not sure you're too happy with how things are looking😬

       ^^^ Also thank you so so so so much for this! I literally freaked out when I saw it! Please leave a comment below! As always thanks for reading xx

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Also thank you so so so so much for this! I literally freaked out when I saw it! Please leave a comment below! As always thanks for reading xx

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