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Betty's POV
A car came to a screeching halt, and out hopped none other than Fred Andrews himself.

I watched him practically sprint into the diner and crash into Archie. I couldn't help but smile as I looked over at Jughead, who had FP's arm wrapped around his shoulder, a huge smile on both their faces. I looked over at Archie, who was giving his dad a tight hug, gleaming with joy.

"You're here! You're alive! Where have you been? What happened? Why are you all scratched? Are you okay? How did you-"
"Dad slow down" Archie cut Fred off with a chuckle. "I'll explain everything"

The door to Pops opened once more and suddenly I had a pair of arms trapping me in a hug.

"Oh Betty! I thought Fred was lying but it's true! You're hear!"

Mom says.

I wrap my arms around her, hugging her back as tight as possible. Wow no wonder Juggie and Archie are so happy, it does feel great to see my mom again.

I had forgotten what she sounded like.

"My sweet Betty" She sighed as she pulled back and cupped my face with her hands. She had tears in her eyes, but she was smiling. I let out a small helpless laugh as I felt my eyes begin to water too.
"We never stopped, we never stopped looking for you. And here you are! You've come to us!" She beams.

"Hey Pop, you got my order-holy shit!"

I turn my head to see Sheriff Keller with an astounded look swept over his face. He rushed up to Kevin and knocked him to the floor.
"Ow! Dad!" Kevin complained.

We all let out a small laugh.
"C'mon, everyone come back to my place, you guys need to tell us everything right now. And I have cookies" Fred announced, well bribed. The parents all nodded in agreement.

"Wait Dad, this is Lila and Auggie, it's a long story but you won't mind if they come over do you?" Archie said just as Fred was about to walk out the door.

"Of corse" Fred smiled.

We all began to head out the door, and Jughead swung an arm over my shoulder.
"Can you believe we're home?" He asked as he looked down at me.
"I didn't think we'd be back so soon, but yeah. I've dreamed of this for months now and it's finally real. I've missed you, and tragically we missed our anniversary" I sighed.
"I know, I asked Auggie if I could see you and he said no, suggested that you may not even be alive. But, I'll make sure we do something" he smiled and gave me a short kiss.

"Ugh you two are so gross" Cheryl said. Toni, who was on Cheryl's back, nodded in agreement.
"Yeah well we haven't seen each other in 10 months so give us a break" Jughead chuckled.
"Oh don't worry, you'll have plenty of alone time in the days to come" Toni smirked.
"And you say we're the gross ones" I giggle.

I look back at Archie, who is carrying Veronica on his back, he gives me a small hopeful smile. I give him one in return. All was well.


It was a feast at the Andrews household, merely midnight yet we were dancing and singing like it was some folk tale. It was a small celebration of sorts of our return.

"There you go, good as new" Jughead said as he finished bandaging Veronica's legs.
"Thanks Jones, I owe you" she replies with a smile.
"You owe me nothing, Lodge" 

It was nice seeing them get along. They never really did talk that much, it put a smile on my face.

"So...what now?" Archie asks as he joins us.
We all seem to think for a moment. What's re we supposed to do now.

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