S e c o n d T h o u g h t s

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Betty's POV
I enter my home after a nice evening at Pops.
"ELIZABETH COOPER" I hear my mom yell. What could possibly go wrong now.
"Yeah mom?" I ask, my hands begin shaking lightly.
"What on earth is...is...this!" She comes from the kitchen with a pregnancy test, my pregnancy test, in her hand.
Of corse she found out.

"Mom I can explain." I feel tears build up in my eyes.
"Oh explain" she laughs in a bone chilling way  "you think you need to explain? No explanation necessary. You know when you said that you weren't like Polly I believed you, I really did, and now look what you've done, you're in the exact same position as she was!"
My Moms yelling becomes slightly faded and I start getting dizzy, really dizzy. Soon not only has my hearing faded but all the light in my vision escapes me, all I remember was hitting the hard cold floor.

Veronica's POV
As Archie and I arrive at his place I get a call, from Jughead of all people.
"Hey Jug, are you okay?" I ask, putting the phone on speaker so that Archie can hear too.
"I'm okay, but Betty she...she...I don't know what happened but I just...can you guys get to the hospital?" His sentence is broken up by his own huffing, as though he had run all the way to the hospital.
Archie shoots me a concerned look as he grabs his car keys.
"We'll be there in 5 minutes." I say hanging up and walked out the door.

What on earth could have happened this time?

Betty's POV
I wake up with aching muscles, a headache, and with a bright light shining in my eyes.
"Hello?" I manage to whimper.
I squint slightly, attempting to regain my vision, soon I can see 3 figures standing around, did they hear me?
My initial instinct is to sit up, but in doing so I feel a sharp pain run through me, causing me to wheeze.
"Betty!" I hear a somewhat familiar voice exclaim.

The bright light was suddenly flicked off and Jughead appeared before me, gently pushing me back down to the bed.
"Don't move it'll hurt too much." He suggested warmly.
"What happened?" I ask, looking down at my arms which are covers in tubes pushing liquids of all sorts into my body.
"They are sure yet, you probably just fainted, not sure why though." Archie explained stepping forward.

Suddenly a doctor walks in.
"Miss Cooper, glad to see that you're awake, I'm Dr Samuels, how are you feeling?"
It was a stupid question really.
"Sore and weak" is all I can say.
"You fell pretty hard Miss Cooper, luckily you have no head traumas, you have a few deep bruises but no broken bones, and the baby is okay." He flips through his papers once more.
I felt a wave of relief come over me when he said that the baby was fine. Why though? I'm not happy about this it's supposed to be ruining my life isn't it?

"So what happened?" Veronica asked Dr Samuels.
"By the look of it, it was just a spontaneous faint, happens all the time, it can be due to dehydration, low blood sugar and so on. You have nothing to worry about Miss Cooper. These next few days stay hydrated, drink a minimum of 1 litre of water a day." He turned to me and nodded before walking out of the room.

Jughead's POV
After the doctor left Betty turned to Archie and Veronica and said quietly,
"Hey can I please have a moment with Jug?"
They smiled and left the room as Betty had requested, but what did she want to talk about?

"Jug I'm having second thoughts..." she began.
What on earth was that supposed to mean!
"About what?"
"The baby..." she mumble rather quietly.
"What are you saying?"
"I...I...w-want to...keep it." She claimed nervously.
Wait she wanted to keep it, after all the trouble  it has already caused her.
"So you don't want an abortion?" I ask, it sounded like a stupid question.
"Yeah." She nodded, getting slightly teary eyes.

I grab her hand and smile.
"Betty...I'm here for you okay. You are going to be an amazing mom, we can get through this." I comfort her. Truth is, this scares me shitless, raising a child, I mean we still have the rest of school to go, and collage and...it's just too soon. But I have to be here for Betty.
For Betty.

A/N next chapter someone makes a return! Leave your comments on what you want to happen as I'm happy to keep you satisfied! Thanks for reading xx

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