E x p l a n a t i o n

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Cheryl's POV
"What do mean she's in hospital?" I say into the phone.
"Cheryl she was shot, just get here now" Veronica hung up.

Toni's POV
"What do you mean she's in hospital?" I say into the phone.
"You heard me didn't you, Betty's in hospital, she got shot. How fast can you get here?" Jughead asks.
"I'm hopping on my bike now. I'll be there in 5." I hang up and run to my bike.

Cheryl's POV
"What happened?" Heather, who I'm currently hanging out with, asks as we entered the hospital.
"My cousin, Betty, was shot." I say as we make our way to the waiting room.
"Cheryl" Veronica stands up and gives me a hug.
"What's the run down?"
"Basically a masked man, who looked just like the black hood only much thinner, came in and threatened all of us. He asked me to get all of the money from the cash register, in doing so he called me a slut and obviously Archie got a tad mad about that, so when he started to walk towards the masked man, the man pointed his gun at Archie and shot, the bullet would've hit him if Betty hadn't burst out of her seat to block it. And now we're here. She's awake and breathing on her own" Veronica explains
"My god, that sounds awful. A copycat killer no doubt...and the baby?"
Veronica's face went soft, almost mournful. Considering my fair share of exposure to death, I can assume that...
"No, the baby didn't make it." She sighed.

"Where's Betty is she okay?" A familiar voice says form behind me.
"Toni, what are you doing here?" I ask my girlfriend...well things have been complicated since I shared a kiss with Heather. I don't think Toni knows about it, but I have this guilt hanging over me.
"Because she's my friend too. What's she doing here?" Toni looks at Heather.
"We were hanging out when I was told about Betty"
"Of corse you were. Were you making out when you got the phone call, or was that just at Pops?" She steps forward with an angry look over her face.
"Wait what? You cheated Cheryl?" Veronica asks with a shocked tone. Well I never thought of it that way but I suppose I did cheat...

"Toni how about we have this convocation somewhere else." I say, starting to walk out of the waiting room. Heather begins to follow.
"Heather, stay here. This isn't any of your business." I say firmly. She simply rolls her eyes and heads back to the others.

We make our way outside, where no one else is around. It silent for a moment, we are just kind of standing silently, waiting for one another to speak up. I suppose she wants an explanation for the kiss.
"You know what Cheryl," she interrupts me before I can finish, "I know you are going to tell me that it was in the moment, that you didn't mean it. But let's be real here. YOU kissed HER! I was there, I saw it, so please before you say anything just don't lie to me. That's all I ask." She wasn't pleading, she was demanding. I've never really seen Toni get mad at someone, and now here she is, mad at me. Okay. I can do this. I just need to tell her the truth.

"Okay your right. I kissed, had regrets and pulled away. Listen Toni, I don't know how I'm supposed to explain myself. She was my first love and I haven't seen her in years. We were talking about Jason, I was over emotional. I had missed her since we hadn't spoken in so long it just happened okay! And I don't know how many times I will apologise to you for it-"

She put her hand up to my face, making me stop mid sentence. She lowers her hand, and I don't see anger anymore. She just looks hurt, tears starting to form in her eyes, did I really mean that much to her?

"Cheryl a kiss doesn't matter, I understand that, I know what it's like to make mistakes and to regret things. What hurt me is the fact that you didn't say anything. I knew yeah but still you had gone behind my back and you weren't even going to tell me about, or apologise on your own terms. Cheryl I'm the one confronting you about it am I not?" Toni spoke softly, calmly dare I say I was in a trance of her words, focusing on everything she said. "And maybe you do realise that you still love Heather, and if you do then that's okay. I get that. We can't always win, one thing that being in the serpents has taught me is that we always put the ones we love before us. And Cheryl I love you, so if Heather makes you happy then I can cope."

She begins to walk away with tears eyes, I practically have tears rolling down my cheeks too, she's slipping through my fingers.
"I love you too." I yell making her stop and turn around.
"And I know that I am so so fucked up, I know that I'm confusing and rude, I know that." I begin walking towards her. "And that night when we were at pops and you told me that I was sensational, Toni you have no idea how that made me feel. I don't have a dad anymore, I don't have a twin anymore, my mom doesn't love me, my uncle was the black hood, everyone at Riverdale high hates me, and just now, to be told by you that you love me...I don't know how to put it into words how that makes me feel."
"Then maybe you don't need to use words." She smiles.
I instantly pull her in for a kiss. And this one. This one meant something.

A/N hey all! Choni shippers congratulations I gave you a chapter! Regardless if you ship choni or not it's so important to remember that forgiveness is a key aspect of relationships! We make mistakes and that's okay, we are all human. Leave a comment on who you want me to focus on in upcoming chapters! As always thank you for reading xxx

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