S t a r e

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Betty's POV
They all stare. How could this have happened. Only a few people knew, and now the entire school knows my secret.
The crowd parts like the Red Sea as I make my way through the familiar hallway of Riverdale High. And every single person takes a moment to look me up and down. I can tell that they are all looking for a bump, my stomach is still flat.
I get a few sympathetic smiles, some stone cold glares, a couple of smirks too.
"damn mama" Reggie's says as I pass by. I hear whisper after whisper. Slut. Whore. Drop out. Bitch.
I hear it all.
"Betty!" Veronica suddenly pulls me into the girls bathroom and pulls me into a tight hug.
I start to cry, I can't help it. Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's the fact that everyone knows, I just need to let it out.
"H-h-how does e-everyone k-know" I sob into her expensive dress sleeve, but I know she doesn't mind.
"I don't know Betty but we are going to find out okay. I already gave Archie a full interrogation to see if he said anything but he swore on our relationship that he didn't, Cheryl and Toni knew but I also checked and they said that they swore nothing was said, and Kevin would never do something like that-"
"Oh my god Betty are you okay!"
"Kevin this is the girls bathroom!" Veronica half yells.
"Veronica I'm gay and there's no one in here I think it's alright now c'mere Betty."  Kevin pulls me into a tight.
"Do you know how it got out that I'm p-pregnant?" I ask as my tears and sobs slow down.
"I don't I've been asking anyone who comes to mind but they all say that it wasn't them, that they would never spread the rumours." He sighs, pulling me closer.
Suddenly Toni walks into the bathroom crying too. Well what does she have to cry about.

Veronica's POV
"Toni are you okay what's wrong?" I pull her into a hug.
"It's Cheryl, that-that Heather girl, they were at Pops, I-I saw them k-kiss" she cries into my already damp shoulder.
"Oh my god Toni I'm so sorry, I'm sure she has an explanation."
"God Why is this school so hectic, I mean Veronica you seem to be the only one who doesn't have any problems." Kevin mindlessly says.
"Oh yeah it's not like my Father I had been behind several murders, he had now bought over all of Southside, which I'm sorry about Toni I'm doing everything I can to help the serpents, oh and he's now the towns new villain and I'm getting all the shit for it. And a crazy friend from my past has come back and has eyes for my boyfriend and won't stop flirting with him, did I mention the fact that I'm also homeless right now!" I say with a fake smile on my face.
"Wait what? What about the Pembrook?" Betty asks.
"Dad kicked me out after I threatened to destroy him, so I packed my bags and I'm currently just finding couches to sleep on." I hadn't told anyone, not even Archie. I was so ashamed, so embarrassed. It only happened the other day, like 3 days ago dare I say, but it's hand finding someone who's willing to let the daughter of a mobster sleep on their couch.

Kevin suddenly walks hurriedly out the door, oh god he's going to tell Archie.
"Kevin!" I yell but it's too late.

Kevin's POV
Where would a suspect of murder hot jock music icon student council president be found on a day like today...I'm taking my bets on the student lounge. I walk in and luckily enough he's there talking to Jughead.
"Did you know that Veronica is currently homeless." I barge into their convocation.
I watch as Archie and Jughead go silent and turn their attention to me.
"I'm sorry what?!" Archie almost yells.
"She's been couch surfing, her dad kicked her out, took away all her allowance too." I explain.
Suddenly their gaze is directed towards the doorway, I turn around and see Veronica.

They all stare. How could this have happened. No one was supposed to know.
Archie walks up to me.
"Is it true?" He asks, seeming hurt that I hadn't told him.
I nod shamefully "Yeah, I was too embarrassed to say anything."
I expected him to go mad, to yell at me for being to stupid. But he pulls me into a hug.
"Get your stuff from wherever it is this afternoon, meet me at pops and I'll take you back to my place, you can stay there." He whispers.
"But your dad-"
"Is one of the nicest most accepting people in all of Riverdale. I think he'll be okay with it." I hear him lightly chuckle.
So...I've got a new home...but then again I've always felt at home with Archie.

A/N thank you so so much for reading! Comment what you want to happened next! You guys are the best! Xxx

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