C h a o s I s F u n T o o

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A/N ahhh so many characters to keep track of! Trying to include most ships in this chapter!

Jughead's POV
I had asked Weatherbee to leave us alone for a moment. You know to talk with my mother about where the fuck she has been the last 5 years of my life!

"Why are you here?" I ask her, praying that Jellybean can't hear as she walks aimlessly around the room.
"Well I know it's a bit last minute but there were some...miscommunications in Toledo so Jellybean and I had to move back here" she explains, her face barely moving. Her eyes look heavy and sleepless, her lips are flaked and dry and her smile, well it isn't there anymore.
"Jellybean wasn't hurt was she?"
"No she wasn't, and she seemed thrilled to be coming back to Riverdale. In all honesty Forsythe I thought you'd be happier to see us." Her brow furrows, I'm not sure if she's hurt, confused or angry, or maybe all of those things.

"Mom Jellybean isn't the only one with a weird nickname, don't call me Forsythe, it's Jughead." I say rather senselessly.
She nods. "Well then, Jughead, I'm leaving Jellybean with you for the day-"
"Mom I have school I can't take care of her!" I interrupt her.
"I'm going to see your father, I think that it would be best if she didn't come."

Wow for once she was being reasonable. I know Dad isn't much of an alcoholic anymore but he can get angry easily, and he won't be thrilled about mom returning.
"Fine I'll take care of her" I sigh.

Veronica's POV
"Betty your back!" I warmly smile as I pull Betty into an embrace. I feel her tightly hug me back.
"How are you?" I ask softly as I pull back.
"I'm...not that great, but I'll be alright" she gives a weak smile. "Who's this?" She asks looking at Hayley.
"Oh right, Betty this is Hayley, a friend of mine from New York, Hayley this is Betty my bestie."
"So you're my replacement" Hayley spits.
Okay that was uncalled for.
"Betty it's good to see you here" I hear Jughead say as he approaches the three of us. He gives Betty a short but sweet kiss...wait a minute. Is there a kid standing behind him.

"Not to be rude or anything but why is there a random person standing behind you Jughead?" I ask, looking at the black haired girl.
"I could ask you the same thing" he looks behind me to where Hayley is standing.
"This is Hayley, a friend from New York." I bluntly explain.
"This is Jellybean my sister"

Okay I didn't expect that. His sister, here in Riverdale. Well what else is new...

"Hobos I have a problem." Cheryl runs up to us.
"What is it?" Betty warmly asks.
"Heather, my first love, has returned to Riverdale, and I have no idea what to do"
Oh so that's what else is new.
"This is ironic." I giggle, earning myself a few odd stares.
"I mean first Joaquin returns, then Hayley, now Jellybean and this Heather chick. I mean it chaotic how many people are just showing up out of the blue." I explain, everyone seems to agree with me.

Suddenly the school bell rings so we all begin to head of to class. I have a free period though. I sigh as Hayley catches up to me.
"So last night...?" She asks.
"What about last night?" I innocently smile.
"Did you and Archie-"
"Hey Ronnie" Hayley was interrupted at the perfect time by none other than At his himself.
"Hey babe" I smile as I stop in the student lounge, which is empty for once.

"Oh shit" Archie mutters, with a light chuckle.
"What is it?" Hayley, who is just as confused as I am, asks.
"Ronnie you should've worn a scarf today" he whispers, hoping that Hayley doesn't hear, but of corse she does.
"Why?" I ask half confused.
"You have a hickey, just on you neck" Hayley spits.
I smirk, well not about the hickey that isn't very thrilling, but about the fact that I've won. Suck it Hayley you can back off of Archie now! Maybe I could have a bit of fun with this...
"God Archie I told you not to leave any marks last night, now everyone will know that we got it on, how embarrassing." I fake a pout. He rolls his eyes, knowing exactly what I was doing but he goes along with it.
"Hey I couldn't help myself, anyways I have to go to the music room, but I'll see you after school, wanna go to Pops?" He smiles warmly.
"It's a date!" I smile back and he leaves.

"I'd back off now before you get yourself into trouble." I smirk at Hayley.
"You haven't won Lodge, not yet. You see I love a little bit of chaos, and what better way to start chaos then to split up the high school sweethearts, the popular couple, the star crossed lovers, and whatever other pathetic titles you and Archie have. You think I can't handle a Lodge? Please, you can't handle a Minetta." She scoffs and exits the student lounge.

How could I be stupid enough to forget. She's the new sheriffs daughter.

A/N thank you so much for reading! Please leave a comment as I love reading them and hearing your ideas and opinions. Also sorry about the slower updates, school is getting really busy for me! But as always thanks for reading xx

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