R e s u l t s

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Veronica's POV
I give Betty and smile as I walk into the bathroom, well this will be fun. Poor Betty she must be so nervous, I hope she's alright.
I take the test and leave it in the bathroom, I walk into Betty's room to check on her.
"B are you okay?" I ask knocking on her bathroom door.
She opened it and took a deep breath.
"And now we wait." She stated nervously.
After 5 minutes a timer I had set went off, Betty gave me a terrified look.
"Betty it'll be okay, I'll go get mine, and I won't look at it u til I'm back here."

I go and retrieve the test and then I go back into Betty's room where she's standing holding her test, not looking at it.
"Can you check yours first?" She asks sheepishly.
"Okay." I offer her a smile and flip my test over.
Negative. I'm not surprised, Archie and I are always safe.
"What is it?" Betty asks.
"It's negative" I simply state, before looking up at her.
"Hey it'll be alright just look at it on the count of 3. 1...2...3."
Betty flipped over the test and her face went blank, her lips lost their pink pigment, her rosey cheeks faded, her stare became distant.
Oh god that wasn't a good sign.

"It's positive." She mumbles before breaking down into tears. I instantly pull her into a hug.
"Betty it's going to be okay you're going to be okay." I comfort.
"No it's not. First my mum gets pregnant as a teen, then Polly and now me, now I'm just a Cooper slut." She sobs.
"Hey don't you dare say that about yourself, or your family. You are not a slut, and we are going to get through this-"
"What about Jug?" She cuts me off.
Oh I forgot about that part. As much as I'd like to say that he'll stay I know that it's not common for guys to stick around after getting their girlfriend pregnant, but I'm sure he will stay. He has to stay.
"Betty he won't go anywhere, he'll be here to support you." I pray that I'm right.
"How am I supposed to tell him?" She sobs as she sits on her bed.
"The sooner the better, get it off your chest, he'll understand." I rub her back to support her as she rests her head on my shoulder and simply cries.

I can't believe this is happening. She's pregnant.

Archie's POV
I hear a knock on my front door, so I go and swing it open.
"Ronnie what brings you here?" I ask, closing the door as she enters.
"Well I am your girlfriend aren't I?"
I chuckle lightly before she continues on.
"But there is something I need to tell you." Her face goes serious.
Oh shit what have I done wrong? Have I done anything wrong? Wait did she cheat on me? Is that what this is? Maybe I'm just overthinking it.
"Can we go up to your room to talk about this?" She half whispers when she notices my Dad in the kitchen.
"Yeah, sure." I lead her up to my room and take a seat on my bed.
After a moment a break the awkward silence.
"You're not here to break up with me are you?" I ask sounding so stupid but hey I had to ask!
"Omg Arch of corse I'm not here to break up with you." She places her hand on my knee.
"But I wasn't lying when I said I need to tell you something." Her face went back to its serious state.

She took a deep breath.
"Just then, with Betty, we went to the pharmacy and pick up a pregnancy test. I took one in hope to make her feel less lonely I guess-"
"Wait you're pregnant?" My heart begins racing as I cut her off.
"No I'm not."
Oh thank god that could've been bad.
"But Betty...she...her test...it was positive."

My mind goes blank. Betty's pregnant? How could this happen? She must be terrified. Dammit she shouldn't have to go through this. I huff in slight frustration and Ronnie picks up on this. She kisses me lightly and says in a whisper,
"We are going to be here for her no matter what. She's going to be okay."
"I hope she is, I'm sure she's having the same convocation with Jughead right now, except it must be going in a very different way."

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