Part 2

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I bumped into someone that I never was my ex best friends
*flash back*
One year ago : (ava : A / rose : R)
A: i hate you
R: i hate you too
R: you know what you did, you ruined my life, you are the worst person ever
R: I wish I never met you, ughhhhhh
R: iam happy I know the real you
A: know you noticed that
R: why you did that?
A: because you are so kind and every one love you, that why i toke all of your friends and to be no one
*end of flash back*
A: will hi there!!
R: I don't want to talk to you
I walked away from her while tears running through my face *5 min later*
I get to the studio and all the girls are screaming and jumping around. I walked to my friend lisa
R: hi! What all the screaming for?
L: don't you know?
R: what?
L: why don't we are coming to Canada to the studio
R: why don't who?
L: WHY DON'T WE, a band of 5 boys
R: why are they coming to the studio?
L: to pick a dancer for their song
R: okay
L: i hope they pick you!
R: why?!
L: because you are the best dancer in the studio! Buhhh
R: "I giggled " thy
R: but when are they coming?
L: tomorrow
R: okay
We talked for a while and the teacher came
T: let's get starting
*1 hour later*
I picked my phone and my bag and my drink because the practice is over. While i was opening the door someone pushed it so it bumped into my forehead and scratched it
??: iam so sorry
R: thats okay. When i lift my head i saw a cute boy with blue ocean eyes.
??: let me help you
R: thank you
He help me up
??: I'm......

So that it for today i hope you like it comment who's the boy
Peace ✌🏻
Insta: whydontwe.031

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