My body is on fire

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* third person prove*
Doc: she lost a lot of blood but she's fine, we stitched her foot but she can't walk for 5-6 days.
Once Daniel heard that she's fine his face lit up like a kid went to a candy shop.
D: can we see her
Doc: she's asleep but sure
Z: thank you
Doc: no problem
Once the doctor left the boys rushed in Rose room, they saw a pale body laying in the hospital bed sleeping.
C: did you call Logan?
D: no
Z/Jo/J: no
C: then i will call him
Corbyn called Rose brother and told him what happened to his little sister, Logan being him was so worried about his sister, he told corbyn that he will come as soon as possible.
*back to rose*
I wake up in a unknown place, when I focused on were am i it hit me i was in the hospital, I felt sick and my leg hurt a lot, I tried to get up but someone stopped me. I looked next to me to see Daniel.
D: you need to rest!
R: why im her I need to go
D: no rose please you need to have some rest.
R: fine, i will sleep.
D: okay.
I slept for an hour. But I wake up because my leg hurt a lot like LOT. O start to cry.
L: rose are you okay!
R: noo my leg hurts please make it stop!
L: zach call the doctor fast!
Z: okay
Zach went out of the room running to call the doctor. Doctor came back in the nurse.
Doc: rose we will give you some medicine to sleep and to feel better
R: give me anything im in pain please!!!!
The doctor gave me medicine im my arm with a needle. After 5 minuets the darkness took over me. I wake up the next morning to see logan a sleep on the couch and Daniel laying his head on my bed, I felt sick, i want to throw up.
R: Daniel wake up
D: WHAT!! Is something wrong
R: yes I need the bathroom, I need to throw up!
Daniel carried me to the bathroom. I throw up. I sat on the corner couse I felt my body is on fire. Some one knocked on the door.
L: rose are you okay
R: yes come in
Logan came in and picked me up and put me on the bed
R: when can I leave?
L: the doctor said tonight
R: okay
L: im gonna go to do some business
R: okay
L: be safe
In this time i was alone i were on my phone when i .......

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