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*logan prove*
Doc: we run some tests and we found out that she has eating Anorexia.
Doc: im so sorry
L: t-thank you, But when we can sign her out.
Im trying my hardest not to cry. My baby sister has anorexia. Why always bad things happen to her, she doesn't deserve bad things. She is the kindest person ever, she always make people happy! WHY HER..
Doc: you can take her know but you need to sign some papers
* third person prove*
Logan was scared to lose his sister on a young age. Logan went to rose room with a pale face. Rose saw his face she thought something was wrong, the scared little girl asked her brother what's wrong. But he didn't what to tell rose now because she been through a lot.
*rose prove*
Something is wrong and Logan isn't telling me. I ignore it for now but im going to know what happened in the future.
D: lets go and eat im hungry
All: yeah!!
R: I don't want, can you please take me home im tired.
C: are you sure.
R: yes
D: okay
We went to the car, after a couple of minutes we arrived at the house, it was 10:00pm, the boys went off and I went inside, it were pitch black, i went inside and closed the door behind me. I went to my room and changed into my pjs.
* third person prove*
Rose were all alone, she were in here pjs getting ready for bed until she heard the door open and closed, she thought the boys came but they didn't take alot of time, she called the boys but she didn't hear an answer.little does she know that it was non of the boys....!!!

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