there is somthing wrong with her heath

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*Aj prove*
Rose passed out in the car, i speed to the hospital. I arrived to the hospital, I carried rose to the emergency room screaming for help.
Dic: what's wrong
Aj: she have a high fever!
The doctor took rose from my arms.
Doc: her fever is 40.1 bring the medicine.
They put some medicines in her arms and put some drip on her other hands.
*after couple of hours*
*rose prove*
I wake up to find me on a bed and a drip on my hand and Aj sitting next to me.
Aj: hi how do you feel?
R: I feel like an empty soul!
R: thank you!
Aj: for what
R: I don't know what I could do with out you
Aj: thats whats best friends for, oh and by the way logan is coming
R: WHAT NO NO I NEED TO GO" o said while getting out of the bed"
Aj: no
R: I don't want to talk to him
Aj; you are not getting out of her
R: then im going back to sleep!
I pretended to sleep. I heard the door open. Its sound familiar! It was logan!
L: how is she?
Aj: she's fine but when she knew that you're coming she wanted to leave!
L: why
Aj: she didn't want to talk to you'
L: I missed up so bad
I felt bad so I wake up
R: logan
L: rose!!" He hugged me" im so so sorry, I didn't mean to scream at you!
R: I understand
L: you do
R: yeah you just want to protect me
I start to cough
Aj: are you okay
R: y-yeah im f-fine
L: the boys are on their way
R: okay
After 5 minuets the boys came they hugged me and I said im sorry for running way i introduce them to Aj and i saw how jealous were Daniel but after he find out that he's ONLY my best friend he smiled widely Like he ca..... no it can't be right?! Aj left, after a couple of minutes the doctor came with a worried face.
Doc: please can i talk to logan pual?
L: yeah sure
*logan prove*
I walked out of the room with the doctor and he have a worried face on.
L: doc is something wrong?
Doc: yes there is something about her heath
L: what about her

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