Oh no

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*rose prove*
Then suddenly they start to shoot water balloons at us, I hide behind logan and for my luck some came at me.
L: hi stop!!
L: we have a guest
??: hold
??: what do you want
Some blond guy with a vlogging camera talked to logan I guess this is jake.
L: we need to talk
??: about what?? "He walked to us while holding his camera"
??: who is she?
L: this is rose
R: hi "I said walking to him but i was soaking wet like : WET WET But it was fun"
??: hi im jake pual and this is team ten.
R: nice to meet you
Ja: sorry for the water balloon
R: its fine, it was fun
L: so can we go sit down?
Ja: okay
We went inside and sit i saw a lot of people like a lot.
L: soo
Ja: so
L: okay rose is our sister
L: yeah
Ja: this is a prank right?!
R: no "i said with tears in my eyes don't get me wrong a tears of happiness"
He picked me up and sipped me around.
?: what?
Ja: I have a lil sister
??: what
Ja: ya
???: congrats
Ja: thy
?: hi im tessa
R: im rose
??: im erika
???: im chance
????: im anthony
?????: im emilio
???!?!: im ivan
( i know that tessa and emilio and ivan are out of team ten but I wrote it in the past so yeah back to the story"
R: hi
Te: let me take you to change
R: thy
*boys prove*
Ja: hi boys back off her
Ch: but look at her
An: she is hot
I: like amazing
Emi: but "jake cut him of"
Ja: no, no buts
L: yeah she had a horrible past DONT HURT HER
*back to rose*
I went with tessa to her room
Te: we're gonna be best friends
E: yes
R: im happy about it
Te: here take this
She gave me he jeans shorts and a over size hoodie.
R: thank you
Te: no problem
I went to the bathroom and changed to the clothes, but something got my attention.
R: oh no

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