Part 11

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*rose prove*
When someone came
C: RO..... who did this to you??!
R: corbyn it's nothing
R: corbyn, please don't yell
Then they all came
D: corbyn why are you screaming?
I rolled my sleeve down fast so they cant see my cuts and bruises.
R: it's nothing
R: lets go
C: you're gonna explain later"he whispered"
R: okay" I whispered back"
We played a lot of game, after a couple of hours they decide to go and eat.
Z: im hungry!!!
D: me too
Jo: me three
J: me four
C: me five
R: im not
All: WHAT!!!!
R: I don't eat much
R: ya, my adopted parents used to lock me in my room
D: your crazy
R: no
D: you need to eat
Z: lets go feed rose!
J: its a mission
R: no no no you don't have to
C: yes we do
R: why?!
J: couse your our friend
D: really
R: thy guys I never had so much good friends before
We hugged and I start to tear up from happiness
D: don't cry
R: im happy
C: rose dont forget tomorrow
R: I didn't forget
After a couple of hours we want to the car
R: thx guys i had so much fun
All: np
J: we had fun with you
We sit in the car, i was tiered, i felt my eyes get heavier, I fell asleep i lead my head on the person next to me it was.......
Hi guys i hope you like it ☺️
Tell me what you think 🤔
Insta: whydontwe.031

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