Part 13

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*still rose prove*
C: did you pack?
R: no
D: we need to leave and you pack!
R: okay
C: we will pick you up at 7:00am
R: okay, see you
All: night
R: good night
I slept with a smile on my face thinking about someone 😉. I wake up at the sound of the alarm

*what I wear 👆🏻*It was 6:30am so I just wait for them

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*what I wear 👆🏻*
It was 6:30am so I just wait for them. I hear a knock on the door it was them.
All: ready!!!
R: yes
C: lets go
We went to the airport. We got on the plane i was scared, I was sitting next to Daniel and corbyn
D: its all right
R: its my first time
C: its fine
I felt a sleep ti the whole ride, i wake up to someone waking me up it was daniel.
D: rose we arrived
R: did I sleep the whole time?
C: yes you did sleepy head
R: im not "I rolled my eyes playfully"
We went off the plane and went to get our bags.
R: who are getting us?
Z: our friend
R: okay
We went outside an saw a huge tall man with a camera and yell.
??: thats mahhhhh boiiii
All: logan
??: who is she"he said pointing the camera at my face but I tried hiding it"
D: she's the one who will dance at the music video
??: ohh, iam Logan paul coach/acter/vlogger.."jonah cut him off"
Jo: she got it
R: im rose
L: lets goo
All: okay
We went to the car and logan start to talk
L: so who's the lucky guy
D: what do you mean
L: you know what I mean" he said looking at the camera with a smirk 😏 "
C: it's not me I have a girlfriend
R: no one
L: ya right 😒
Jo: yeah we all friends
J: yes 
L: shut up noddle head
J: shut up mob head "we laughed"
After a couple of minutes we stopped at a big house with a nice view of La
C: do you like it
R: wow just wow
L: are you crying?
R: pftt no
L: then what is this" he said pointing at a tear on my face with the cancer"
I wiped it fast so no one else see we entered the house
R: it's nothing " they all start to laugh"
R: stop!!
Z: wittle wose is cwing"he said in a baby voice"
I went and sit on the couch
Jo: don't be sad
R: im not
J: lets me show you your room
R: okay
He showed me around the house
J: and her is your room
R: wow this is big
J: you like it
R: no
J: ..." i cut him off"
J: okay "he said laughing"
J: i will let you pack
R: okay
After one hour i had finished
Hi guys i hope you like it tell me what you think
Insta: whydontwe.031

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