Part 9

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*corbyn prove*
I was on my phone when I hear rose screaming, I went running to her, she was sleeping I tried to wake her up but finally she woke up.
C: shh, everything is fine
R: i-i-i
C: shh, it's fine
She slept in my arms
*rose prove*
I wake up feeling better
D: good morning, how do you feel?
R: morning, I feel better
D: thank god!
Z: YOOOOOO! Good morning
R: morning
R: when I will leave?
C: now if you're ready
R: yeah im ready
I went to home, I asked the guys to come in and they came.
Z: you live alone?
R: yeah, i do
C: so about the music video?
R: oh yeah
C: its in La
R: ohhh
D: so what? Are you caming?
R: let me think........okay
D: REALLY!?!?!?
R: Yes
All: YAAAAY!!!
R: okay" I said while laughing"
R: so what do you want to do?
C: movie?
All: okay
Jo: IT
All: why??!!
R: couse....... fine!
D: don't worry i will protect you if you're scared"he whispered"
R: iam not scared!
Half way through the movie I got scared, I hide my face in daniel's chest
D: aren't you scared?
R: Pffttt no
C: time to go!
J: when are we leaving?
C: in 2 days
C: rose dont Forget 2 days
R: okay
All: bye
R: bye
I went to my room to get ready to sleep, when my phone was blowing up.
???: ROSE
????: hellooo
R: who is this?
????: it's Daniel
??: zach
???: corbyn
????: your boy Jonah
?????: jack
R: hi
Jo: rose came hang out with us tomorrow!
R: I don't know!?
Z: plsss
R: I have practice tomorrow
D: after practice
All: please
R: fine
D: I will pick you up at 3:00pm
R: fine
R: good night
Jo: night rose
C: night
R: night bean
J: night rose
R: night noodles
I slept with a huge smile on my face.
I hope you guys like it tell me what you think 🤔
Insta: whydontwe.031

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