Part 10

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*rose prove*
I wake up did the same morning routine. I went to practice like the usual, after a couple of hours I finished practice and head home, i take a shower, I wear a long sundress with a jacket to hide the cuts and bruises

 I went to practice like the usual, after a couple of hours I finished practice and head home, i take a shower, I wear a long sundress with a jacket to hide the cuts and bruises

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( what I wear 👆🏻)

(The hairstyle 👆🏻)

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(The hairstyle 👆🏻)

(The make up 👆🏻)Then the phone rang, it was corbyn

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(The make up 👆🏻)
Then the phone rang, it was corbyn.
R: hi
C: hi! where are you?
R: hi im just getting ready
C: okay! I will come pick you up
R: but where are we going
C: its a surprise
R: okay
C: i'll be there in 5 minuets
R: okay! See ya
C: bye
5 min later the door bell rang, I went to open the door
R: cor......... ALEX what do you want? ( alex was my ex boyfriend)
A: hi how are you?
R: what do you want?!
A: you!
I went past him but he grab my hand
R: let go of me
A: please hear me
R: never its over
I tired to get his arm away from me but he was strong.
A: just hear me out
R: you are hurting me
C: leave her
A: who are you?
C: im her best friend
He let go of my arm and it was sooo red
C: lets go
A: this isn't over
R: corbyn lets go
We went to the car
C: did he hurt you?!
R: no im fine ( i lied it's freaken hurts)
C: can I ask you something?
R: yeah! Sure
C: who is he?
R: my ex
C: crazy ex
R: hahahaha
After a couple of minutes we arrived at the fair
R: wow
I turn around and saw the boys running to me
R: hi guys
D: thy for coming
R: np! I love hanging out with you
Z: okay let's go"he said while grabbing my hand that alex hurt me"
R: awwwo"I said whispering"
D: what you say!
R: nothing
R: hi guys I gonna go to the bathroom real quick
All: okay
I went to the bathroom, I rolled my sleeve up and I saw a bruise from alex when someone came.......
Hi guys i hope you like it ❤️
Tell me what you think
Insta: whydontwe.031

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