Why is there blood on the ground

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*rose prove*
He locked my door and he went out of the car and went to my side and opened the door and carried me like a baby and went inside the house.
R: stop screaming
R: put me down
The boys came running downstairs
All: rose!!!
D: what happened??
R: a little accident
Logan walked to the couch and put me down.
L: boys listen to me DONT LET ROSE WALK
R: don't listen to him i fine
C: no you're not you're FRECKING hurt
L: you listen to me
R: what about practice
Jo: i will call David and tell him we need a couple of weeks more
L: i need to go now okay dont move
R: fine mom
Logan went to do his Business and the went to a meeting.
R: is anyone in here?!!
No one answered, I got up and tried to walk. I went to the wall to get my balance, I walked upstairs. My foot hurts real bad, i went to my room and sit on the bed and tried to sleep.
*boys prove*
The boys went inside and went to check on rose but they didn't find her on the couch.
C: why is there blood on the ground?!
The boys followed the blood where its lead and its lead to rose room!!
Jo: its lead to rose room!?
The boys opened the door to see you on the bed sleeping or not ....
C: rose
Z: rose are you awake
R: mmm yes
D: why are you bleeding
R: i dont know
J: did you walk up stairs by your self??
R: yes
Corbyn pulled the cover to see......

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