Its hurt a lot

49 3 5

*rose prove*
I wake up at the sound of breaking glass. I went to the kitchen and by accident i step on a large piece of a glass, I fell on the ground in pain.
R: owwww flip " i start to tear up couse it hurt a lot"
Ch: im so sorry
R: its not your fault
Ja: why there is noise
Ch: i break a glass by accident and rose stepped on it "he picked me up and put me on the couch"
Ch: this is gonna hurt
R: okay " I said while taking a big break"
Ch: on three 1,2,3 "he takes of the glass of my foot"
R: ughhhh " I start to cry softly"
Ch: im gonna put some alcohol on it
R: okay
He put some alcohol on it I scream like im gonna die.
Ja: its okay " he said while hugging me"
R: its hurt a lot
Ja: I know
Ch: here take some pain killer
R: thank you " I take them"
I slept on his shoulder. I wake up because I cannot sleep form the pain
R: why this happened to me
I laid on the couch and I texted the boys
Text convo
R: hi guys I missed you
After 5 minuets
C: me too
R: bean hey how are you
C: im fine what are you doing!?
R: nothing where is the boys
C: sleeping
R: classic
D: good morning
R: morning how did you slept
D: pretty good but I missed you
R: me too I need to go say hi to the boys for me
D: okay bye
C: bye
R: bye
I heard the tessa calling me so I tried to walk but i cant i fell on the ground.
Ja: ROSE !!!
R: help
Ja: what happened
R: my foot hurt when i tried to walk couse tessa is calling me
He picked me up and put my on the couch.
Ja: dont move
He went to the bathroom 🚽 and get some bandages and some medicine. He put some medicine on my foot and let me tell you I screamed alot tessa came running down stairs and asked what happened jake explain what happened. tessa tried to calm me down. I eventually let the darkness take control of me.
Third prove:
Te you need to talk to logan
Ja: yeah i know
Jake called lagan and explain what happened to their sister and he need to come and pick her up after a couple of minutes logan came busting through the door.
Ja/Te: shhh she's sleeping
Logan carried his sister to his car.
*rose prove*
R: where am i?!
L: im taking you home
R: okay
We arrived at the house the wdw house I opened the door but something stopped me from walking
L: what are you doing
R: going to the house duh
But then suddenly he did something unexpected.......

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