I missed you

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*rose prove*
R; oh no
I saw that the make up was gone and the scars are revealed but thank god I wear a long sleeved hoodie. I went outside the bathroom and went to the girls.
Te: I cannot believe It
R: what?
Te: even in a hoodie you are pretty
R: no im not
E: yes you are
R: you i do! Are you happy
Te: what's wrong!?
R: my life is miserable "I said crying"
E: tell us what happened!
R: okay
I tell them everything about my parents and my crazy ex
Te: im so sorry
E: we are your new family
R: thank you
I hugged them and cried my eyes out.
Te: sh sh sh baby don't cry
R: im a-a f-fraid 
E: about what ?!
R: if they hurt you or me
Te: they will not hurt you or us
R: do you think ?!
E: yes
R: thank you guys for hearing me and im sorry for crying on you
Te/E: that what best friend for
Te: lets go downstairs
R; okay"I said while wiping my tears"
We went downstairs and saw someone that I thought I will never see....

??: r-rose
R: Aj
I run to him and hugged him tightly
R: I missed you
Aj: me too
Ja: wait wait
Ch: you know him
R: yes
Aj: we used to be Internet friends but we lost contact
Aj: But why are you here?
Ja: shes my lost sister
Aj: what
R: yeah ........but where is logan
Ja: he went he said that you may sleep here
R: no
Ja: yes I said to him
R: are you sure
Ja: yes
Ch: lets do something fun
Te: lets go swimming
All: ye
Ja: okay
Te: lets go "she said while grabbing my hand to follow her"
R: okay
Te: here take this swimsuit
R: thank you but do you have  waterproof make up
Te: yes but why
R: because.......

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