Part 6

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And my hands hurt a lot and I didn't realize that it was bleeding, yes iam afraid of blood but at this point I don't care. I sat on the ground and I cried
*daniel prove*
I saw 2 people talking to her and she didn't seem happy, a guy slapped her but when I was going to her zach stopped me
Z: don't go there
D: she got slapped
Z: maybe it's personal
I saw every thing but I couldn't hear a word.
*back to rose*
Someone tapped my shoulder, it was daniel.
D: hi! Are you okay?
R: y-yeah I'm fine "I said getting up from the ground"
D: are you sure?
R: yes thy "I said walking away then running home"
I live alone, I went to my room and cried myself to sleep. I woke up late. I went to the bathroom and got dressed, I went running to the studio.
R: s-s-sorry im late
T: no problem
*daniel prove*
Rose eyes were buffy and red like she's been crying all night.
*rose prove*
I was scared from the results.
T: and the girl is.....
All: ROSE!!!
R: wait....WHAT....ME
D: ya you were so good
T: iam so sorry girls
All: you deserve it you were amazing!
I hugged them all and I went home but someone stopped me
D: hi
R: hay
D: can I ask you something?
R: sure
D: can ... m... I get your number?
R: sure "we exchanged numbers"
D: text you later
R: okay
I went home and i saw my adopted parents.
Rm: you
R: me?? Why
Rd: you need to come with us
Rm: yes
*daniel prove*
Me and the boys went to the van to get coffee but on the way I saw....
Hi guys i hope you like it ☺️
Tell me what you think
Insta: whydontwe.031

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