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*daniel prove*
Doc: shes in coma, we don't know when she's gonna wake up. Im sorry!
Just when I heard that my heart stopped. I couldn't talk or say anything.
L: c-coma
Doc: yeah, she hit her head pretty hard on the floor and she lost blood.
C: can we see her
Doc: yeah sure
We went inside to see her laying on the bed lifeless and hooked to many Machines, once I saw her like that my tears were running down my face.
L: dont cry my lil sister is strong.
*after 3 week*
* third person prove*
It's been 3 weeks and rose hadn't waked up yet. The boys visited her always except for Daniel who stayed with her all the time didn't left her side. He always talk to her, even sing to her. The boys tried to conference Daniel to go get some rest but he didn't he wanted to see her when she opened her eyes. Daniel hold her hands pray for her to open her eyes. He put his head on her hand and close his eyes. The tiered boy sense her hand is moving but he thought that he was just imagining stuff, until he heard the voice that he missed the most.
R: w-where am i
R: I guess
D: im gonna call the doctor
The Beyond exciting boy runs to the office to tell that rose waked up. The doctor runs some test on rose to see if she's okay or not.
The boys came running through the door excited to see their best friend.
D: wait the doctor is running some test
The doctor came out of the room looking at his clipboard sighing
Doc: so we run some test and find out that she.....

The best disaster ever 😊//D.SWhere stories live. Discover now