Did they saw the b......

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*rose prove*
R: because of this "i showed them my arm"
E: who did this to you?!
R: my adopted parents
Te: here" she handed me a foundation"
R: thank you
I went to the bathroom, i but my swimming suit and put makeup on my cuts and bruises
Te: are you ready?
R: ya
I went out and got a Towel and ‏cover my body with it. We went downstairs to the pool.
Ja: come on
Te: hold your butt
Ch: you guys are no fun
Aj: Guys I need to go
R: why
Aj: ive some job to go
R: okay see you later
Aj: see ya later
All: bye
Aj: bye
Te: lets go get some tan
R: okay
Te: we will be back
We went to the chairs we tanned for an hour but i fall a sleep because i was tiered but I felt a strong hand picked me up and threw me in the pool.
They all pointed at chance and jake.
R: i hate you
Ja; I love you too
R: this is on
I saw my arm is bleeding the cuts opened, i ran out of the pool as fast as i can and run inside to tessa's room, while i were running upstairs I heard the boys call my name but hows important. I DONT WANT THE BOYS TO KNOW ABOUT MY PAST NOT KNOW. I went to tessa's bathroom and look myself in the bathroom.
*boys prove*
Ja: what happened?
Ch: her hands were bleeding!
*back to rose*
I heard a knock on the door I didn't answer.
Te: rose its me
I opened the door.
Te: what happened!
R: i-i don't know did they saw the blood?
Te: yes
Te: Rose! You're bleeding a lot
I won't lie to you i felt dizzy because my hands were bleeding like a river. I know what are you say a few cuts won't damage you but you're wrong. It's not a "few" its alot and deep.(DONT CUT).
Te: rose are you okay?
R: n-no I fell dizzy!
Te: JAKE!!!!!
Ja: what!
The suddenly.........

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