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*rose prove*
I went downstairs to only meet with a drunk Alex.
R: Alex?!!! What are you doing here?!
A: I MiSs BaBy
R: Alex get out of here
A: DiDnT YoU MiSs Me?!"he said while coming forward"
He start to come forward. I start to wake backwards until i hit my back to the wall, at this time i hoped i just die right now.
*after couple of hours*
I laid on the floor, feeling numb. My body is hurting so much. I crowed and look mt self in my room crying. I heard the boys opened the front door and called my name but I didn't answer.
*the boys prove*
We entered the house, and it was a total mess the chair is on the ground and some stuff were on the floor. We called rose name but she didn't answer, we heard the door locked. We went to rose room and called her name and still no answer.
D: rose are you okay
Still no answer.
*rose prove*
I didn't want to answer so I picked up my phone and text the boys telling them im fine and i just want a time alone.
C: rose please what happened
Z: why is the house a mess
Jo: leave her alone maybe she will talk tomorrow
J: let her rest
The guys stop knocking on the door I didn't sleep all night i was crying all day, eventually I slept at 5:00am on the ground and hugging my knees, I wake up at 5:30am because I heard a knock on the door it was daniel I don't answer hoping he will go away.
* third person prove*
Daniel didn't sleep all night worried about rose. He went to her room knocking on the door hoping that she will open the doors. He knocked on the door waiting to meet is love of his life and to see her glowing blue eyes but nothing she didnt open the door. He slide down sitting next to her door waiting to her open the door and hugging her telling her that everything will be okay. The young boy slept next to her door. He waked up to someone waking him up it was corbyn.
*rose prove*
After Daniel stopped knocking on the door. I closed my eyes trying to sleep. I wake up at 7:00am because i felt cold I grabbed a blanket and covered my body. I was closing my eyes when I heard yelling.....

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