Why you didnt tell me

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*rose prove*
Then the door bust open.
Ja: why you didn't tell us
R: i was scared
Ch: we are your family
R: I know now
I: you can tell us anything
Emi: we care about you
An: and we love you
Te: we will always help you
R: thank you guys
They all hugged me. And that hug helped me to calm down.
Te: what do you want to eat?
R: salad is fine
Te: okay
Tessa went downstairs and all the boys left I went to the backyard and I start to dance. When I dance I forget about my pain and problems. When I finished I saw all the boys at the door clapping.
Te: my girl can dance like me!!
All: pravoooo
R: thank you
Ja: what Else you can do
R: all type of dance and singing
Ch: what!!
R: yeah
Te: here is your salad
R: thank you
I went to the kitchen and sat down and start to eat, while I were eating I went trow instagram. I didn't finish my salad. I went to the couch and sit next to the boys.
Ch: do you want to play true or dare
R: okay
All: im in
After a couple of rounds Came my turn
E: truth or dare
R: dare
E: i dare you to sing
R: truth
E: answer the dare
R: whyyy
E: a dare is a dare
R: fine
I start to sing we don't talk anymore when I finish they all mouth drop
R: I knew im bad I told ya
Ja: are you kidding me
te: you are awesome
R: thank you
R: guys im tiered im gonna go to sleep im gonna sleep here in the couch
Ja: in the couch
R: yes
R: good night
Te: no you're not you're gonna sleep with me
R: no i want to sleep on the couch good night.
I laid on the couch i let the darkness take over me. I woke up at 3:ooam I wake up of the sound of........

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