Part 4

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??: hi rose
It was the doctor ( you thought wrong 😂😏)
R: where am i??
Doc: you are at the hospital
R: what happened?
Doc: some young boys bring you here
Thought:*young boys!!! Daniel!!! What happened *
Doc: you will get out today
R: thy
I was laying on the bed when someone knocked on the door.
R: come in!!
D: hi! How is your head ?
R: hi im fine thy
R: how did I came here?
D: you fell but I catch you
R: really!?
D: yeah! So i bring you here
R:  thy
D: your welcome
We talked for a couple hours, he drive me to my home
R: thy
D: no problem
I went inside I went to my room to practice to the dance. My head feels alot better, after a couple of hours I finished practice and went to bed.
Next morning
I wake up at the alarm at 5:00am and did my routine. I went to the studio, I was the last one at the studio, do it was my turn. I went to the room and saw 5 boys and one of them was daniel.
R: hi iam rose
??: iam zach
???: im jonah
????: sup iam jack
?????: im corbyn with a y
R: hi "I giggled "
D: and you know me "he said with a wink 😉"
R: yes I do
All (except daniel): YOU KNOW EACH OTHER !
R,D: yes!
D: she's the one I brought to the van "he whispered
Boys: ohhh! I hope you feel good
R: thy
R : shall I begin
All: you shall
I start to dance very hard when I finished I saw all the boys are in shock I thought that I was bad
R: was that bad
Thy guys for reading I hope you like it
Insta: whydontwe.031

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