Im watching you babygirl

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*rose prove*
I got a text from an unknown number.
??: hi miss me
R: who are you ?
??: you don't have to know
R: what do you want ?
??: you
??: if you don't leave the boys im gonna hurt you and them
R: please leave them alone!
??: so back off
??: you have 2 weeks
I was scared to death! Who is he/she? Why he/she want me away from the boys? I were interrupted of my thoughts by corbyn screaming my name.
*corbyn prove*
I came to visit rose, I knocked on the door but she didn't answer, maybe she is asleep I opened the door and saw she were sitting on the bed looking at her phone and she looked scared.
C: rose
C: rosee
C: hello
I kept calling her name but she didn't answer. I start to shake her and still no answer, I start to raise my voice.
R: w-w- hi
*back to rose*
R: w-w- hi
C: hi are you okay
R: yah im fine
R: I just want to leave
C: I will go ask the doctor
Corbyn went to ask the doctor. I kept the text on my mind, after 2 minuets corbyn came and said that we can leave. Corbyn helped me to go to the car.
*after a few days*
I finally can walk again and I never got a text from the unknown number. Today was the music video the boys did very good. After we finished we went to celebrate. We went to a restaurant.
D: that was awesome
C: did you see me!! I need to me a coach!
Jo: haha
R: you were all good guys
J: you were awesome
R: thank you
Waiter: what you want to eat?
We all ordered what we want to eat, we talked and laughed until our food came. We all started to eat until my phone got a text.
??: I hope you have a good meal with the boys!
When I read that I start to cough.
D: what's wrong?!
R: n-n-nothing
I texted him back.
R: how did you know
??: im watching you babygirl
I start to look around like a maniac.
R: im gonna go to the restroom
All: okay
I went to the rest room and washed my face. I looked up and saw.....

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