Part 12

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*rose prove*
It was Daniel
*daniel prove*
Rise fell asleep on my shoulder she was beautiful, I felt bad for her past but we didn't know all of it.
*back to rose*
D: rose were here
R: im so sorry
D: for what
R: sleeping on your shoulder
D: thats okay I get it
R: where are we
All: Jimmy John's
R: my ears
All: sorry
We all get to the food place and some fans came to take some pictures with them.
Fan1: can we please take some pics with you guys?
D: yes, ofc
They all take some pictures but some of the fans were rude
Fan2: you're ugly
R: what?
Fan3: you heard her
C: she's not ugly
D: you can't say that to our friend
Fan3: look at her
I start to tear up I went running out of the place running to my home, I heard my name been yelled by the boys but I can't talk to anyone. The girls are right iam ugly, i look back to see the boys not all of them running behind me but when I turn back I bumped into a person it was corbyn, he hugged me to calm me down
C: shhh
R: they are right iam ugly
D: n-no y-you're b-beautiful" he said out of breath"
D: you run fast" I giggled"
Z: O-M-g let me catch my breath
R: iam sorry
R: lets get inside
Then we heard a honk
J: you know their such thing called a car
Jo: you're such a idiot person
We all went inside
That it for today I hope you like it
Tell me what you think
Insta: whydontwe.031

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