Part 16

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*rose prove*
R: Daniel wait...
D: yeah
R: thank you
D: for what?
R: caring about me. After my internet best friend Aj left my life been as hell theirs no one here for me
Daniel came and hugged me (i need one💔)
D: np that's what friends for
R: thank you
D: now go to sleep
R: night
D: night
I went to bed and tried to fall a sleep but I cannot. After a couple of minutes i fall a sleep. At 1:00am I wake up of a sound of a breaking glass, I went down with a baseball bat that I found, I went down stairs to find a guy wearing black hoodie, I went to hit him but he catch the bat and put it on my neck and put me against the wall
???: who are you
I couldn't answer because I couldn't breathe. Then I hear someone he sound familiar
E: their someone
He let me ho of me but I fell on the ground feeling dizzy but Daniel catch me
D: rose are you okay???!!!
R: everything id spinning
D: let me take you to bed
He carried me to my room
D: here drink some water
R: thy
D; np
I drift to sleep. I wake up at 7:00am I went to the bathroom and saw.......

The best disaster ever 😊//D.SWhere stories live. Discover now