[²] Where The Heart Belong : NAMJIN

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Do you know when will God dispatch the love to you? Indeed, when the heart is feeling lonely without him. Do you know when did you will fall in love? Indeed, when in that world you are alone and the only thing you ever desire is himOnly HIM

-Namjoon & Seokjin-

~One Year Ago~

Namjoon was in the library looking for a book for his reference. This is the first time he had stepped in into the library. It still feels pretty foreign to him after two weeks officially being a student in that college. He didn't even manage to make any friends yet since he is always awkward to initiate the conversation first with a stranger.

The only person who he is befriended now was Hoseok, his roommate. That guy literally a ray of sunshine in his gloomy days. Well not in a romantically way but his happy go lucky attitude really enchanting. He had constantly cramped his cheek when he laughed a lot whenever Hoseok cracked his jokes. He really likes that guy. Not to say that sometimes his jokes are too lame but Namjoon still laughs at how silly Hoseok look at that time.

Namjoon's fingers lingering on the books stacked on the rack, dragged through the book one by one, reading in a quick glimpse on the title at the edge of the books. He let out a brief sighed when he failed to find the book that he wanted. Maybe he needs to go to the bookstore and buy it instead of borrowing it in the library.

There goes his money. Hmmm...

Feeling dejected, Namjoon sprinted his leg to go out from the library.  He was too occupied with himself that he didn't see there is someone standing on his back. That person was searching for a book in the same row with Namjoon.

Knowns as a clumsy dork by his family and friends, Namjoon initially bumped into that person quite harsh that both of them fall into the floor. To be exact, Namjoon was falling at the top of that person and his face was pressed on the chest of that poor stranger.


Namjoon could hear that guy hissed in pain when both hit the floor. Namjoon instantaneously tries to get up but once again clumsily end up bumping his head on the shelves. His eyes widen when he noticed that the shelves are wobbling and a few books were staggered; which will be falling down in a few seconds over his head.

Aware of the dangerous situation Namjoon had covered his head with both arms and tightly closed his eyes getting ready for the impact. But to his amazement, someone had wrapped his body, rolling out on the floor escaping the books that now scattered on the floor.

"Are you okay?"

Namjoon who is still folded in that person one's arm with a pounding heart of horror - lifted his head and look up at the concerned face. Namjoon's eyes widen when his brown orbs gazing the face at an instance.

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