[¹⁰] Goodbye Love

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"Everything to me was nothing to you"

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"Everything to me was nothing to you"

"Did he called you?"

Namjoon was about to eat his not so tasty hospital's food when such question been thrown away to his face like a brick. Hurt. He put down the spoon, eyes on the bunny muscle boy in front of him, doesn't have any guilt expressed on his handsome face for asking such insensitive question.

"No, Kookie," he answered coldly. But the fact is, it is painful just to think that a person whom you think really care about you the most actually aren't. It was an illusion that he wanted to believe as true.

"Did you called him?" Jungkook asked again, the same question but with different direction. His eyes gawking at Namjoon intensely, waiting for the answer.

Namjoon just shook his head slowly. He noticed that Seokjin did call and texted him on the day he was admitted, which he was too weak to answer or to reply. But he expected Seokjin to show some effort to mend their broken relationship, but till now there were none from the elder. He was being confined to the sickbed for three days now but Seokjin was nowhere to be found. Did he ever care about him?

"That asshole!" cursed Jungkook.

"Language young boy!" scolded Namjoon.

Jungkook just rolls his eyes, didn't care if Namjoon will think that he is rude or has a disrespect towards his senior but he can't apprehend his short-tempered if it is about Seokjin being a jerk to Namjoon. What kind of boyfriend he is if he never wonders where the fuck is his boyfriend went to? Doesn't he wonder why Namjoon didn't go to the class or dance practice? Does he totally ignore Namjoon? Is he being petty just because Namjoon asked him about Sana?

"I don't want to talk about this Kookie..." he said weakly. He pushed slowly the food tray, lost of his almost non-existence appetite.

Jungkook pushed back the tray closer to Namjoon, tapping the tray few times. "Eat!" he said but more to a command.

Namjoon shook his head. He was about to lay down on his pillow when Jungkook immediately grabbed both of his hand, forcing the elder to sit properly again. Namjoon tried to stiffen his body, resisting Jungkook's action but to no avail as the boy is much more energetic and muscular than him. Namjoon then admits defeat and huffed in frustration.


"Eat hyung! You eat nothing for two days. Not today okay. You need the energy boost..."

"It's tasteless Kookie! I hate it!" pouted Namjoon while looking at his healthy dish. It was a bowl of plain rice, fried vegetables, a plain soup, and a steamed fish.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓚𝓸𝓸𝓴 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now