[¹⁵] Wᴀsᴛᴇ Iᴛ Oɴ Mᴇ

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"So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time, waste it on me"

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"So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time, waste it on me"

"Don't you think it's too fast?"

Namjoon's heart instantly sunk at the question. He looks at his brother with a mix of feelings. He didn't know how to react nor to answer at such question. But Taehyung seems to wait for his reply as his doe eyes were staring at him intensely. Namjoon poked on his food and Hoseok who'd been there too had kept his mouth shut - didn't want to interfere with the two sibling's conversation.

"You just broke up with Jin-hyung and now you're together with Jungkook. Are you sure you really like him? It's not a rebound?" Taehyung further asked when Namjoon seems at lost; hard to find an answer to his simple question.

Taehyung was not adamant with the fact that his brother now is officially together with Jungkook. When Namjoon had spilled the bean at the dining table, he was shocked. Not too shocked since he actually had foreseen it to come but not this soon. And they'd had been together for a week already. However, it doesn't mean that he is going to oppose the relationship but Taehyung wanted his brother to think about it thoroughly before making such a hasty decision. He didn't want Namjoon to hurt again. His relationship had given a harsh effect towards him and for him to start a new relationship so fast is quite worrisome. 

Namjoon took a breather before he raised his head to meet with Taehyung's eyes. "He's not a rebound Tae...This is not a rebound for me...not even for a glimpse that I thought he is a rebound. So NO, it's not a rebound..." he answered with a suppressed tone, keeps on repeating the words 'rebound' - emphasizing it firmly. As if he really wants to convince Taehyung about his decision to date Jungkook.

Taehyung is quite surprised at the answer and Namjoon's gruff voice. "But it's too soon hyung. Don't you think so?"

"Yeah...I know. But...but Jungkook is..."

"Was he forcing you? Are you accepted his confession because you feel sorry at him?"

Taehyung stops asking other question when Hoseok had patted his thigh, calming him down. He let out a deep sighed knowing he might be exaggerated and scaring his brother. Hoseok stares straight ahead, listening to the conversation of the sibling calmly along the table. He didn't say anything, yet. He will eventually get to give his own opinion about this. He just let Taehyung deals with the matter first.

Namjoon shook his head vigorously at the allegation, denying Taehyung's statement. "No Tae...he didn't force me. And I do not sympathetically love him. I thought Jungkook is a nice guy. He'd been in love with me since the start, which I bet all of you know about this instead of me...Well, I'm too immersed with Seokjin's love to notice that...so..."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐁𝐒𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | 𝓝𝓪𝓶𝓚𝓸𝓸𝓴 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now