Chapter 1 - Era of Propaganda (1/3)

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It happened a millennia ago, even before the "shattering"of a certain Diamond. Homeworld, a place for a sophisticated society, where gems ruled over many worlds. One particular day ,a celebration was being held at the centre ground where every Diamonds' court attended for none could not.

Everything was going well at the start. Lines of gems stood in their formations as music filled the humid air in the arena. Oh what a joy! The Great Diamond jubilee was about to start. Just when the celebration commenced, the shriek of pain coming from the distant silenced each individual court. I looked around to find who could have shouted but soon I saw what everyone was now looking at. The high commanders stepped out from the puffy cloud of a poofed gem as they held their battle axes in the air. Everyone looked at them with faces denoting in shock. They abruptly ran from their positions and headed towards me, to where the Diamonds were at. Two of them shouted about, screaming in anger to our gracious leaders but my Diamond reacted of nothing to the disobedience. Sooner enough as they got a few feet away from us, an Agate stepped in and swiftly restrained them with tight bolted chains. They were all caught and soon were to be questioned.
Moments had passed and the jubilee was still in a halt, a Hessonite stepped up to the vocal enhancer as she announced to the audience of what had happened,
"A regime of dissidents had been sent to be 'rehabilitated' under the Yellow Diamond court a few while ago..",
They all gasped to her claim,
".. Please don't disorder yourselves as they have been captured and the jubilee must go on!", She said at a final. Although they were promised to be 'Rehabilitated' little did they know that a hand held device was awaiting for the destruction of their forms once they get to the facility, but, what was I supposed to do about it? The former commanders had been planning to sabotage the Diamond jubilee but with no reasoning given as to why this was. Information from these horrendous gems could only be gained at the slightest amount in which they revealed their rebellious group to be... Okay I don't actually remember what they said but it had something to do with, Crystals? . Although that, I digress,
Something like this was quite unusual to happen, especially during an important event. My Diamond, witnessed the restrained ones pass by her as she was seated on her throne.
Crowds of gems whispered and murmured, some in confusion and some in total disgust to the betraying compatriots of their kind.

After the commotion died down a bit, the Jubilee started once again, as the four bright colors, Yellow, Blue, Pink and White illuminated the middle of the field as gems paraded and praised our opulent tyrants. The crowd of gems seated as audience rejoiced in excitement, comprised mostly of the lower ranking ones. The other Pearls, besides me, were standing humbly beside their Diamonds. I always hated that Blue one, I think shes got some grudge over me or something because she never really seemed to treat me like the others, but although that, the Yellow one was always kind of a show off, just because her Diamond owns multiple colonies and keeps hidden many secrets from her other peers doesn't mean that her as a Pearl is more superior than me. My Diamond has many more colonies than her Diamond has! Besides that, the Pink one was oddly quiet, she never really conversed with any other gems and seemed to only be closest with her Diamond.
A deep feminine voice whispered to me, "Pearl, get my Palanquin ready, I'm leaving this snooze fest! This "celebration" is quite a bore."

I had only replied with a nod as with no hesitating, I left the arena exiting the building.
I walked outside into the garden of crystals as the glimmering illuminants viewed my way. A few guards kept watch of me but I ignored them and kept on walking to my Diamond's palanquin. Not long after, she came out from the building as well, taking the same path as I did walking towards where I was. She sat down as she pulled out her communicator, proceeding with a message. I was of no business to listen to her as she spoke and so I only piloted the Palanquin trying to not listen.

"What the?" My Diamond exclaimed as our Palanquin was now at mid air. "Is there something wrong my Diamond?" I worriedly ask, "Pearl, who is that down there causing commotion at the base? This is completely disgraceful and unacceptable!" She said as she pointed out a few gems causing trouble down below. "I don't know my Diamond" I said. She soon instructed me to land the Palanquin at the orbiting base but, there was a problem. The gravity engine inside the operator of this transport was unstable to go in fast motion and my Diamond ordered me to go in a hassle. "Pearl, I ordered you to go down now!",
"B- but, My Diamond th- the Palanquin can't.." She cut me off "please let there be no excuses and get me there Now!"
I had tried to reason with her but it was of no use, I had no choice but to follow her orders and speed the Palanquin down. Sounds of clanging occurred as I could see that the Gravity system was over heating. It wasn't going to be a pretty sight.

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