Judicial dispute (2/5)

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We cascaded down into a mass of grey clouds as we approached nearer to our deaths. The tiny pieces of broken glass glimmered with the moonlight as gusts of wind blew against our faces.
"What are we gonna do Now?!!!", Tourmaline screamed through the heavy dense of air. I shouted back, but she couldn't hear me over the loud sound of wind blowing against us.

The clouds had blinded our vision but soon they faded away as we continued to fall nearly metres to the ground. I looked around trying to think of ways, ways to not plunge to our deaths. I saw a nearby cavern overhanging the cliff of a building, it was nearly impossible to get on to, but it was our only shot.
I screamed back at her, "Hey! We need, to get on that!", I pointed to the cavern. She nodded in agreement, but, I wasn't exactly sure how we were going to get onto it.
Tourmaline raised her hand,
"What are you doing?" I wailed to her, but she had only focused on whatever she was doing. The ground became closer and closer each second I waited for her to do something.
Her arm soon glowed as as her gem did the same, she reached out to a crystal like structure branching out from the cavern, with one swing she took a hold and grabbed the structure and we halted from falling. The strong force of gravity acting upon us was too great that the structure branched out and slid down from its position. The ground below us was still too far and it was no option to fall, but the structure Tourmaline grabbed a hold of slid away from its position that it was ready to fall. Both my legs shook and trembled but I still had the courage climb up. We quickly clambered up into the cavern and just then, the structure, that I could see clearly was an old statue, plunged down below smashing itself into scattered pieces. We both sighed in relief and sat onto the dirt flooring of this cavern. I was terrified but yet pleased to get out from that horrible place.
I laid down spreading my body allover the dirt floor as Tourmaline did the same and I couldn't think of anything else to do but to stare out into the open night sky in exhaustion. We both still were breathing heavily with pounding hearts as we slowly calm to the situation. The night sky was decorated with glimmering stars silhouetted by a void of endless silk like clouds, it was nothing that I usually took mind to admire of. At the edge of my vision, lights and various illuminants coloured the structures of homeworld as the white light illuminating the brightest came from my Diamond's ship.
"My Diamond..", I thought in my head. I lost notice of the scenery around me and took interest of my Diamond, filling myself with thoughts of her and her well being. I sat up, not wanting to rest any longer as my worry began to go over to my Diamond. I looked at my Diamond's building far in the distance as a cloud of fog blinded the sight.
"Hey uhh, its been great and all but I think I'm gonna go.." I said to Tourmaline who sat up as I said this.

"...you do realise that you have nowhere to go, right?", she said to me putting me in confusion.
"What? Whats that supposed to mean?", I asked.
She promptly explained looking quite displeased for my not knowing self,
"Hukh, isn't it quite obvious? What are you even going to tell them when you get back?".
I turned away with a slight grimace, as I already had an answer for her question. "I already got that figured out, so.. I'm gonna go..".
Tourmaline then stood up as I slowly backed away from the cavern, forgotten about the ground being nowhere near to reach.
"What are you going to tell them when you weren't anywhere near your Diamond when she was in the time of needs? What, you just simply fell right out of the scene, trying to escape from fire?", she remarked.
I stopped walking and rippled in annoyance to her claim.
"Well I would've been there for her if I hadn't had accidentally fallen into the floor, and, I think you have something to confess to me about this ability you posses.", I looked at her with crossed arms.
"Hey, we should be in this together, and.. why Are you just.. so worked up, about your Diamond?! Why is she so special to you that you just can't abandon your feelings for her even at times like this?", Tourmaline exclaimed offending me at the slightest.
"No, don't you change the subject! You better tell me about this mind, memory, manipulation thing, right now!", I barked at her.

With her grimaced face, she shut her eyes, inhaled, and exhaled, returning herself into a calm state. "Okay..", she said at me sighing. As like before, she sat down facing the opposite walls of the cavern with her left side leading to an unknown direction. I calmed down and did the same.
"I guess I should've probably told you from the start..", Tourmaline started.
"As you know, I was made for a purpose, and that was to guard and defend the Diamonds and all the other assigned gems we were given duty for, And so, each Tourmaline was custom created for each individual gem who earned us, well, before the termination. What I didn't tell you was that, I , was made for you...", My eyes widened as she said this,
"... the reason why Tourmalines were extinguished was, we were made at a high cost. Due to the lacking resources now threatening homeworld, the Diamonds saw this as a really negative composure to be tolerated, and so we were discontinued and terminated right after the line of production sky rocketed. My gem kind was forgotten right after they all had just recognised our presence, prior to when I was going to become yours!...",

I was still caught dumbfounded to her statement, now being very confused, I listened intuitively,
"... Tourmalines were designed to defend, complete with a set of weapons and wielded with high strength, but one un-for told ability of us Tourmalines was that we possessed the ability to, manipulate minds and their memories. Although this may be an ominous power, our abilities are limited to only control the mind of only our owners. The main function or purpose of this ability was to protect our owners from corruption, either that can be caused by isolation, sufferance but never from our Diamonds. There were also Rumours though which fled through that there was an uprising percentage of Tourmalines who rebelled against their owners, which then caused multiple casualties, and which eventually lead to our extinction.
The shattered remains of our kind were then Harvested, although for many purposes, I still have no knowledge what they were used for..", Tourmaline looked down, depressed of the story hoped to not tell.

".. From what you've heard, I'm pretty sure that you can piece out the rest of my story.", she said looking up to me.
"You.. you never told me..", I replied back.
".. well, I was one of the ones who were fortunate to live, but I had to be sent to the Gemmetics experimentation, where as I said, I was being tormented in various ways..".

A voice echoed from the cavern, "No! That's completely not true!",
We turned to the darkness in shock as we stood to fend ourselves.
A familiar pair of Pink Gravity connectors stepped out from the dark as a glimmering pink gem revealed itself into sight.

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