The Perturbation - (3/3)

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Zircon explained what we were up to, but as she did, I noticed that someone was looking at me. I looked around the empty room with nobody but me, Zircon and the Diamonds in it and my gaze fixated to Pink Diamond. She was looking at me with eyes flushed with curiosity, and possibly familiarity.

Something resonated in me, but I couldn't tell what. Her gorgeous and glistering eyes, her beautiful pink hair and her bright pink lips tied up with her complexion. I blushed and looked down after locking eyes on her. I felt something so, weird, in my chest. A feeling, or, an emotion, that I hadn't ever felt before.

My hands met, slightly feeling a bit shaky as my eyes cornered to peep at the Diamond a bit more.
"No, no Pearl, what are you doing?", she's a Diamond! What am I thinking?", I exclaimed in my head.
"Although, she's so beautiful.", I continued.
"Awh, thanks, your beautiful too!", a voice suddenly spoke. I jumped a bit, terrified of who it belonged to.
"Wh-wh- who said that?", I muttered in my head.
"Don't be afraid, I'll won't tell!", the voice spoke again.
I was confused, but as I turned to look back at Pink Diamond in the distance, she gave me a look. I was terrified, assuming that the voice belonged to her.

I stood back straight, emptying my thoughts as I shut my eyes. Zircon's explanation still went on and on but was muffled out in my fear.
At that moment, she stopped talking and awaited for a response from Blue Diamond. It was silent for a brief second but eventually, the tyrant responded, ".. right, of course, shall I get you an escort then? White certainly doesn't want you to be late. The gems of honour will be pleased to gratify the new experiments. Consider the new experiment as a gift to White..", she hesitated to Zircon.

Zircon trembled as she managed herself to speak, "that is awfully gracious of you my Diamond but certainly will not be necessary. I humbly appreciate your consent my Diamond, it is an honour...", she bowed to Blue Diamond graciously.
Zircon proceeded to the door, just a few steps away. I followed from behind before taking a final glance at the Diamonds. Pink still grinning with a blush. I smiled back, but thought nothing of it.

Zircon's hand reached out for the panel,but before she could press a single button, the door abruptly slid open and a gem was on the other side.
She was tall, pale and her hair was shaded in a muck of turquoise and blue. I gasped, it was the Amazonite from before.
She was the one who I had saw in a memory with Tourmaline and the one who Howlite pleaded to.
A thick, long cape was dragged behind her as she walked pass us with a monotone expression.

Zircon rushed to step out through the door but I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back before she got out.
"Wha- hey! What are you doing?", she retorted in a scowl.
"Wait, look!", I ushered a finger to the towering Amazonite. Zircon looked back at me, "Why? We can't stay here any longer. we need to go!", she urged.
The gem was such an enigma to me that I was tempted to know what she was doing here to see the Diamonds.

I was perplexed, wanting to stay and listen, but I couldn't let the others wait too long. I concluded my decision,
"Just go, I'll trail you to the bay right after in a while! Don't wait for me, just go! Go!", Zircon stood in confusion,
"Wait, what? why? We need you! Your the only one of us that knows how to get around here on Homeworld! And we can't just leave you!", she exclaimed being wary and cautious of the gems around.

"Just go!", I demanded at a final.
She turned to the door and back at me, with the look of concern evident on her face. Finally, she quickly walked out the room as the door slid shut behind her, leaving me unnoticed.
With each step of hesitation, I snook closer, hiding myself from sight behind a huge blue pillar as I watched the scene in silence.

"My Diamond..", Amazonite began as Blue nodded to her presence, "...I come to bring you news on Pink Diamonds, Gemmetic experiments...", she explained.
Blue's eyes widened, "first White and now this?", she groaned in annoyance, "Lock all entry units..".
I gasped as the door behind me beeped and it's panel glowed red. The room became slightly dim as it's blue hue intensified.

Blue's hand rested behind pink's back as she held pink in support. Amazonite, still monotonous, spoke to the Diamonds of the secretive information she kept. "My Diamonds, I am afraid that there is.. or should I say.. there are Fugitives who had escaped from our facility.", Pink gasped and clenched her fists to her mouth.

Blue furrowed her brow as she scowled, "Can't you do anything about it? Hasn't anything like this ever happened before?".
Amazonite shook her head, "No my Diamond. This facility has been around for a period of time and the extent of my existence. Truly, it is unprecedented.", she then took out two cylindrical tubes containing the shards of a gem, "these were found laying scattered in the room of the escaped one. We believe that this gem may become a threat and a menace to our society.", Pink let out another gasp as Blue expressed a wry in concern.

".. the purpose of me seeing you Blue Diamond is that I seek your help in catching this fragment. You have seen what she has done to an Aquamarine for this small of a gem...", she slightly shook the containments,"...We cannot let her roam across our world. Just imagine what sort of reputation we would gain after the spread of knowledge on our experiment...", she paused as the statement finally gave concern to Blue Diamond. "Ow, oh my! This is really malevolent!", Pink said as she looked at the shards in disgust. ".. If I may my Diamond, I wish you to grant me clearance to the Zeta kindergarten in facet 5 for the sole intention of private investigation.", she ended.

Blue Diamond thought for a moment, and then agreed to the request. She sought Amazonite's attendance as an inquiry with the given information. Blue had contributed access to several units on Homeworld to Amazonite, for her search of Tourmaline.
Amazonite thanked Blue Diamond, profoundly and left the room with a smirk. The room was back to it's original state as the entrance no longer was locked and the Diamonds continued conversing but something about that gem was still inevitably wrong. I had a strong feeling that we might see much more of the gem in the future after our escape, but for now, I still had to get to the others.


My little sis wrote this and its too precious for me to delete :

As they were talking,they started leaving.the gems were there to make sure that they were not fighting.they were also a while,steven was findding the gems.he continued his work.while waiting the gems,he went to
Big donut.the big donut was close.

Hmm, this has story potential 🤔🤷🏼‍♂️eh, who knows, maybe I'll do one.

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