A commander's order (2/3)

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After a minute of silence, Hessonite lowered her hand away from the wall and stood with a blankly bored expression. My eyes wandered away from the grip of her vision and shifted my concentration to the docking bay entrance. She noticed and assumed on what my intentions were. I fixated my sight back to her and her entourage.
Hessonite gave a smirk, somehow giving off a sinister feel and spoke,
"...The docking bay huh?..", she proceeded to the panel and pulled out a card of her own. She slid it into the slider and a beep resonated, the door opening right after.

I gulped as I developed a sick feeling in my stomach. She disappeared into the room as a hand shoved me from behind, "Come on, she's not waiting for you!", the green gem said forcibly with a grimace marked clear on her face. I quickly trailed behind the towering yellow elite, taking each step with a stride of careful examining.
The docking bay was a huge hanger, docking the delivery ships for resource and material. Crates and other amenities were present as far as the eye could see, all organised for each individual unit to deliver.

"Oh, what a pleasant looking place. So organised. Completely unionised in perfection.", I thought in my head as I began to stray far from the gems.
"Hey!", the same raspy voice shouted like before. "Where do you think you're going?", I turned back and followed the entourage. The green gem was eyeing me the whole time, her attention was locked on me as if I were someone who was doing something wrong. And I was.

A thought of Tourmaline came to my mind. "Howlite and the others are waiting for me!", I exclaimed in my head. "I can't let Hessonite see them!",
As we walked to nearly over halfway across the hanger, I stopped as I heard a voice calling out to me from my side. I turned my head to where it emitted and saw Zircon peering out over a yellow crate. In surprise and hesitation I quickly rearranged my posture facing up front again, but it was no use as the gem behind me saw my obvious gesture. It was inevitable, there was no way she couldn't have saw it.

Puckering her lips in curiosity, she turned to the yellow crate where Zircon hid behind. Her eyes squinted. She knew I was acting suspicious. For what I expected, I assumed she was going to examine the vicinity, but thankfully, she didn't. Instead, she kept shoving me forward as Hessonite began to walk further away. I let out a sigh of relief, but adjusted my peripheral vision to the yellow crate in concern.

After regaining foot with Hessonite, she suddenly stopped. Her feet stomping the ground in a soldier like manner. She turned and lowered down to me as she still gave off a look of suspicion, "okay, so were here. Where is your owner?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Uhh, my owner?", I agitatedly questioned.
"Hukh, yes, your owner! This is what we came here for, right?", she pinched the corner of her forehead in a headache gesture.
"Uhhh...", I stared at her, perplexed on what to say before laying my gaze over to Tourmaline hiding behind another crate across us. "I, uhh..", the sight of Tourmaline raised an idea, "I, uhm, yes! Yes of course, my owner! She, uhm she's right here! I mean that she's right around here waiting for me, uhm, thank to - I - I  mean, thank you, for letting me in. I apologise for the trouble...",
"It's fine..", she said losing her suspicion.
"Truly it is an honour to bask in the radiants of such an elite like yourself!",
I bowed humbly.
"Well, where is this gem who you belong to? I don't see any other being here besides us...", Hessonite asked,
The fierce green gem chimed in, "...And if I'm not mistaken my Hessonite, it's suppose to be off hours at the current moment so why would any gem ever be at such an industrial facility without any reason at all?"
The other green gems excluding me and Hessonite agreed and nodded to her.
"Nobody asked for your input 4Xk!", one of the green gems added putting the rest in silence.
It was the one with her gem as her eye.
"Well maybe she was just lost and strayed far too long from her owner. What do you have to say for this?", she continued, turning the question over to me. "Yea, where is your owner?", "yeah!", "yeah", the other green gems slightly shouted.
This made me more nervous. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to explain, I wasn't lost and had no other reason here but to escape. The anxious feeling throttled my insides as I choked for words to say.
"I - I - I..", I stuttered.
Lacking the knowledge to lie even more.

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