Judicial dispute (3/5)

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Pink Diamond stepped out from the dark, revealing herself in plain sight. I was paralysed in shock as an elite like her had just appeared out of nowhere like this. I anticipated the worst of what this gem could do and so I bowed down, displaying myself with honour to her as I stuttered the words,
"M- My Diamond..", in fear.

   Tourmaline had only looked at her with a same look, but she was adversed from doing anything respectful that she had just trembled in place. I faced down with eyes closed as like any regular Pearl I was, I hoped for this Diamond to give mercy for whatever thing that she might have wanted to do. She proceeded towards us and as she did, Tourmaline dropped to the ground and dragged herself backwards in fear of this tyrannical being. She stopped like as before, in front of me. She placed her delicate gloved fingers beneath my chin and pulled my head up but Instead of being greeted with a scowl, she gave a warm smile, looking oddly happy.
"Hello there!", she started.
I was still in fear to respond, instead I took notice of Tourmaline who was a terrified wreck. Pink Diamond walked over to her, but Tourmaline backed away each step she took getting close to her instead. Tourmaline finally made a halt as her hands were greeted with the edge of the cavern. She looked at Pink Diamond, horrified, not wanting to believe that she was merciful and was intending to capture her and put her back into the experimentation phases again. Pink brought out a hand as it reached for Tourmaline signifying her wanting to help her up. As she did this however, Tourmaline fended herself by covering her arms over herself.
"Don't worry! I'm not going to hurt you.", She said wanting to aid this gem to calm.
Tourmaline looked at her, somehow compelled to believe her over her calm and soothing voice. She accepted the hand being lent and Pink pulled her up to stand, although we were still in fear of her presence.
"So.. you were saying that my experiments are tormenting gems?", the looming Diamond spoke, as her voice echoed loudly within the cavern.

Both of us still didn't have the courage to reply, but I had to at least say something, "Uhm, I'm afraid so my Diamond."
She placed her attention to me and beamed at me for an amount of time.
"...anyways, what brings you here fellow visitors?", she spoke again placing us in a confused situation.

"Wh- uhm, what?", I mumbled.

The Diamond turned and walked away back into the darkness as she disappeared from sight.
"Come on..", she said gesturing her hand for us to follow her. She emerged from the darkness due to the Pink light illuminating from her gem and a door opened from the walls. Once again, it was pure darkness as her footsteps entered the room she opened.
I decided to follow this enigmatic Diamond, hoping to get aided from my bruises and cuts, but a hand pulled me back from proceeding. Tourmaline whispered, "I don't think we should trust her, She is a Diamond, now come on, lets just go..".
I turned and whispered back,
"We don't actually have a choice here! would you rather be out there in the main streets of Homeworld where you'll be a wanted target or follow this Diamond who might have intentions of aiding us?"

She frowned at me as we both set our decisions the same which was to follow Pink Diamond to wherever she was leading us. As intriguing as it was to follow this Gem, I was still reluctant and unsure of the whole situation. We entered the darkness, as I noticed a change of texture to the ground. It was now stone and metal like, opposing from the outer part which was dirt. My gem glowed acting as a source of light revealing our path in the dark room as we finally made ourselves to Pink Diamond. She stood there, facing back at us,
"finally you came..", she said with a loud echoing tone. I pointed my gem  to where her voice came from, but Pink Diamond was gone now. Instead of Pink Diamond, there was another gem standing where Pink previously stood at.
She wore a white dress, gem on her navel and had distinct, curly, long Pink hair.

We both got startled to her abrupt presence, almost as if haunting to the eye. "Wh- who are you?", I nervously questioned. A thick amount of her hair covered her eyes, shadowing them before us. Her vision seemed to be fixated to our direction, with an un daunting feel to it.
Her gem was shaped with a pentagonal cut, coloured with a dark shade of pink and a tint of light Rose. The gem looked up as the thick hair removed from it's obstruction, revealing her sky blue eyes, glistering in flawlessness.
"Hello...", she said soothingly. Tourmaline looked around in search for Pink Diamond but did not prevail.
The gem walked away, deeper into the darkness as what I last saw of her was the flow of her white dress. I tried to follow the gem from behind but she disappeared straight out of nowhere. I looked back at Tourmaline who was a little haunted of what had just happened.
Out of nowhere, Rose petals blew along the flow of the wind, heading towards the direction of that surreal gem. What an odd appearance she had, almost beautiful to look back at.

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