The Perturbation - (2/3)

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"..and the moon base will be right here my Diamond..", a voice began as it emitted somewhere in the corner of the hall. We halted our steps as Tourmaline leading at the front pressed herself against the wall to our right, with all of us mimicking her right after.

".. of course my Diamond, organic creatures are very well known to roam around the surface..... the planetoid is completely...... and certainly sustainable for...... ah of course.", the voice continued as it muffled at some parts.
Zircon, who was in front of me trembled as she whispered, "g- g- guys, theres a Diamond in this room!", she gestured her thumb to the door signifying the urge for our exit. We all shushed each other and immediately followed her from behind.
In the agitating moment, we slowly made our way back to the door before realising that it was locked shut.
"Hukh, come on! Open you stupid-..", Zircon mumbled as she forcibly tapped the side panel. "Hey, stop that!..", Howlite chimed in annoyance and slightly shoved Zircon out of her way.
"Just let me-..", she held her hand out to the panel and began to activate her ability. Her gem glowed as her finger tips emitted a little aura, but nothing happened.

"Whats wrong?", Zircon whispered in worry. "It's not working, there must be a core lock preventing me from bending the structure here! We'll need to find another way out.", Howlite replied looking at the rest of us.
"Oh can't you do anything!?!", Zircon raised her voice a little, "what if we'll never get out of here?!", she continued. "Hey! I'm trying my best here! At least I'm doing 'something' and unlike you who had been...", Howlite began to retort as her list of complaints when on and on.
Tourmaline beamed at the two who were now bickering,
"Hey! Stop it, were not gonna find anywhere out from here, there's literally no way to exit!", she said as she examined the room, "it is an option if we go through the vents though", she added.

Meanwhile, as they were discussing a plan, I slowly tiptoed away from them and all the way to the corner end of the hallway. Slightly, in just inches away from exposing my gaze, I listened informally to the voices speaking in the other room.
I could now clearly hear the voice of the gem from before as she discussed about something with whoever the Diamond that she was with.
"... and where would you like to have your control room base on the colony my Diamond?..", she began, following the sound of a tap on a screen.

The other voice replied in both a raspy and soothing tone with a noticeable accent,
"A base on the colony will not be necessary for the time being. The moon base shall be fine enough. Assure that the observation device will be set and ready for me to acquire enough knowledge on the colony by the time it is ready, that will be all!",
she ended her words as I could tell that the gem bowed and basked under the radiance of the Diamond, Blue Diamond.

"Very well my Diamond, I will prepare the necessities right away now.", the gem said as the sounds of her footsteps faded away before a stop for her to give a final bow to Blue Diamond,
"My Diamond..", she exaggeratedly praised and left.
The room was in an immediate silence as this allowed me to run through the thoughts I had in mind, 'What is Blue Diamond doing back here on Homeworld?', I questioned, 'must be another visit before another colonisation. Not often to happen'.

Just then, the door had slid back open, making me jump. I merely exposed my vision to what was happening in the room. A slightly tall, pink themed gem entered the room as she stomped her feet beneath her. She took each step into the room with a sort of scowl on her face, a scowl that seemed too unreal for her to even look crossed. Blue Diamond in her cloak was met with a puckered lip, crossed looking Pink Diamond as her steps halted in front of the towering tyrant.

Pink's gaze was first fixated at the floor, but a second later, she slowly brought her head up and the crossed expression was replaced with a bubbly grin,
"Blue!!!", Pink Diamond shouted and rippled in excitement as she beamed at Blue Diamond.
Blue's wrying expression flipped into a smile, "Pink!", she gladly greeted Pink enthusiastically, something that I never expected from such a deliberately somber leader.
Pink walked up closer near to Blue's throne as she audaciously sat opposite from Blue's legs, "I missed you so much!...", she tugged onto Blue's lower cloak, hugging her with a full grin.

"Oh Pink, you know how colonising is. I'm really glad to see you.", Blue Diamond explained, "you know, I have something very important to tell you, now that your here..".
Pink backed away from the hug,
"what is it?", she excitedly exclaimed in wide eyes.
Blue Diamond explained, "well, you see, there has been...", but before I could hear more of what she had to say, a hand pulled me from behind as I gasped in the abrupt moment. In a glimpse of what I had assumed to be a guard catching me, I was relieved that it was only Tourmaline,
"Come on!", she said pointing at Howlite and Zircon, "we've figured out a way to get out of here!".

I was a little oblivious and because that I was too infatuated on what the Diamonds were discussing about, I couldn't respond straight before stopping in full realisation on what we were originally doing.
"Okay, what do we need to do?", I asked looking at Howlite who displayed an elaborated look.
She then laid her gaze at me and explained the plan they had concocted, "Alright, so here is what we've got. Me and Tourmaline will enter the vents and exit through there because with my structure manipulating ability, I can bend the vents to the directions all the way to an exit. But unfortunately, I can only do so much, that if we all enter through it together, we have a high chance of getting separated and lost since I am not strong enough to bend the walls to to fit all of us in for that long.", Zircon nodded while I raised an eyebrow, "wait, so what about me and Zircon? How will we get out then?" I asked curiously.

Tourmaline chimed in as she continued the plan, " both, will ambulate easily through the room, since you'll completely blend in with all the gems around. Make sure that you don't interact with any gem, excluding if the Diamonds in there question you. Just say that your "passing by" and do not exceed any further explanations.",
Howlite then continued Tourmaline as  she handed two handheld rectangular panes of glass to us, "Once you've gone out of the room, your gonna take a left turn and down two flights of stairs. There, you will be greeted with a docking bay for external delivery crafts where me and Tourmaline will be waiting for you. Use those..", she gestured to the devices, "... to get through the doors. We'll catch a ride on one of the delivery crafts and thus concluding our escape from here.", she ended.

All of us were eager but yet reluctant to perform this risky escape, but there was no other choice, so we begun the plan.

Howlite and Tourmaline ran over to a vent near to us as she did as what she explained. They both entered and before disappearing into the dark, Tourmaline hunched back to us, ".. and don't forget, do not interact with any of the gems here. I hear that they get Very speculative.", she warned us at a final and went deeper into the vent.

Me and Zircon nodded at each other and prepared on what we were instructed to do.
"Okay, here is what I've came up with for this part of the plan, I am a travelling Zircon who has intentions to meet White Diamond for a Judicial intervention. You, are my companion Pearl who will instruct on what were "going to" discuss in the said "judicial intervention". As for this reason, we had to use an old path for a short cut to the court. Gems are gonna be flooding through the hallways once we make our way out from this room, so try and act your part as a lot of Elites will be watching.", she finished agitatedly.

"Why are the Elites gonna lock eyes on us?", I asked.
She then explained, "Well, its not common for Zircons to have appointments with their Diamond personally, especially in a Diamond throne room. So lets focus on being cautious okay.", I nodded to her, slightly nerved.
We then began our plan as Zircon lead up front, walking with her head slightly facing upwards and her hands behind her back, and me following her from behind in a humble and natural pose.
We walked out of the enclosed hallway as we made ourselves into a pathway circulating around the room surrounded with tall, blue pillars. The Diamonds hadn't notice us until we walked halfway through the pathway,
"I sense.. a presence.", Blue Diamond's soft voice echoed all the way to us. She examined the room and caught her eyes to us as my heart pounded in fear.

"White's Zircon?..", She mumbled under her breath, "! What are you doing here? I don't recall having another gem entering here!", Blue Diamond pointed at Zircon.
Zircon turned to face Blue Diamond and took a few steps heading towards her, hesitation hanging heavily within.

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