~New fanfiction preview~

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I apologise to the people who have been waiting for an update of this story, I'm working on it.
To make up for that, I'm writing a new fanfiction, well, two new fanfictions. So here is a preview of one of them:

"The summer breeze wafted across the peaceful town of beach city. A damp aroma from the sea, and the sounds of seagulls squaking in the air,
"There's no place like home.", Steven sighed as he laid his back onto the soft sand.

After coming back from their crazy snag on homworld, Steven and the crystal gems could finally rest at ease knowing that everything and every problem that they'd face was all solved. The healed corrupted gems went back to homeworld, some even stayed to live on Earth! The Diamonds are now on their side and the Earth is finally rid of any trouble. Everything was finally going to be back to normal. Or was it?

It had been a few days after Steven and the crystal gems returned back and the first thing that was in Steven's mind, was that everything about his home had changed. His eyes wandered to the sight of the new friends that had came to stay. The off colors, cheerfully celebrating that they'd finally found a place where they could be themselves. Padparadscha as usual was the last one to cheer on after the rest. Steven chuckled in relief, but right at that exact moment, something was wrong... Steven Could feel it. He felt as if a strange presence was on their way to Earth.. A presence that had malicious intentions."

Coming soon...

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