Era of Propaganda (3/3)

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Proceeding into my Diamond's ship, the lovely white of every bit in the vicinity was so pleasing to the eyes that I soon forgotten about what had just happened.
My diamond as usual, went into the testing chambers within our ship and viewed on the subjects of sorts trying to develop a decisive result in gaining more powerful armies. I soon snapped out of the calmness as I walked into my room, I got reminded about the horrifying event when I saw tiny bits of pieces of shattered stones on my desk. I went to refer to the ship's central search unit screen hoping to find out a little bit more about the things I had just saw. This interface could allow me to look into files and other data stored anywhere from homeworld's database containing just the information I need with ease, although my Diamond might not approve of this. I looked up a whole bunch of things that sort of correlated to the event but all the results that I could find were documents regarding Pink Diamond's gemmetic experiments. I snooped around a bit reading the reports and the records shown of many gory and disgusting images as a result from the multiple testing phases. The era of propaganda influenced gems to even the highest of the elites to be convinced over in doing such endangering acts. The first footage displayed was a Citrine being held captive on a board readied to get jumpstarted. Her gem seemed to be partially broken externally as black marks were left and multiple scratches as well.
Another footage revealed a Tanzanite also being held the same as the Citrine but was being zapped using a gem destabilizer staff directly onto her gem. The process was repeated as she kept on screaming to stop until she was unable to sustain her form and poof. There were more of these footages but I couldn't bare to see anymore, I looked around a bit as I found a block of text underneath the subject field stating, "Project : CLSTR undergoing procedure to dislodge..." I entered it in curiosity but as soon as it displayed it's image, I immediately recognized what it was. It was the gem looking creature from before that tried to attack me! I read more of the description being shown underneath it as it read, "Project Cluster has initiated dislodging phase. Continuing on with re-stabilization sequence, Pink Diamond's gems consisting only of; Citrine; Tanzanite; ••• will be proceeding with disarming phase once sequence complete and launch sequence furthermore after."
This was all new information and this has not came upon my Diamond's consent even though she could have seen this much sooner. There was also something real off about the text saying that Pink Diamond owns her own gems, she doesn't even have a single colony and considering that this is her own project, why would she do such a thing? She wasn't the type of gem who would do something like this and it was all done secretive towards the other Diamonds as well.

I immediately switched off the unit as I quickly ran to hide when footsteps entered the room. I hid behind my Diamond's thrown right when she had just came in. She sat where I did and switched the searching unit back on. Thankfully the files were all gone and had been refreshed so there was no trace showing that I had ever used it. I wasn't actually, allowed, to use it so each time I did, I tried to make it low key as possible.
I snook pass her and quietly opened the door and tip toed my way out. Once I was outside, I sighed in relief as that were to be the closest I have ever gotten from being caught.

The rest of the day was like any normal day, watching over my Diamond, doing some reports concerning the test subjects and the casual free time when I have my breaks. However, the thought of having knowledge that my Diamond should only know was very unsettling and it kept haunting me, urging for me to look at more files but hopefully that would only be the last thing I can ever get involved in.
It was now sunset after the whole of 32 hours of day, the beaming scorching rays of sunlight hit upon our bustling city of gems. I walked pass the large window screen hallway as the light entered through it blinding a bit of my sight. I stopped for a moment as I looked down to the city the ship was hovering above. I ignored the bright sunlight and took the moment to think, thinking about my pure existence, a Pearl, a being who was dedicated and selfless towards an owner. I thought about the hanging portraits of my Diamond overruling our society, how she forces labour and gives no time to care towards her subjects and only wanting to succeed whatever it takes, even losing the life of her own previous Pearl. I thought about the Pearl of once she owned, the depressing story of how she was abandoned still scares me to this day, but, thinking like that about my Diamond is completely absurd and unwisely, I tried to avoid the thought and kept in mind that my Diamond is wise, powerful and knows all. The hanging portraits helped a bit to raise my confidence about this and propagandized my will.


A muffled explosion suddenly erupted coming from the other room. I quickly ran to the door and out into the room where it occurred, fire spread quickly around the room as smoke blinded the view but I could hear the coughs and pleads of someone coming from inside. It almost sounded too familiar until I recognized that it was my Diamond! I looked in terror into the room as my heartbeat paced, I didn't know what to do. I was frozen in fear but I finally found some courage to brave myself and go in. I shouted for my Diamond but I coughed up as I tried and struggled to search into the room for her.

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