Immense aggravation - (3/3)

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"Tourmaline?....", I turned to look back at her, but she was gone. I scanned the whole area, not that there was anything blocking me from, but did not avail in finding her. She disappeared!

There was a slight tingle on my elbow, so slight but I felt it. Suddenly, it hit me, the piercing wave of pain on my elbow was back, pain deriving from the scratched spot that had pierced right through my skin. My scream echoed throughout the open darkness, it was agonizing, hurtful, unbearable for me to endure anymore.
The pain coursed it's way to my gem as it trailed intricate glowing lines.
I opened my eyes to the horrid pain and in an instance, a flash of white light struck before me and the dull grey floor was pure bright pink.

I looked up noticing that my surrounding changed. Pillars and ornaments all made of pure carbon and crystals decorated the bright pink room, and overhanging from above, a Diamond insignia hung free which acted as a sort of light, a magnificent chandelier. The immense and aggravating pain had left all of a sudden, which I was relieved of.

I eased my mind off of the recent pain and pondered my interest to the enticing room. I lurked around the room for a bit, staring unawarely to the pink and reddish blossom lights blurred over my shaky sight. I was hoping to find Tourmaline but got no luck, she was nowhere around but instead, I stumbled upon a window, exposing nothing but the dark night sky of Homeworld and the single gargantuan white ship looming over every other skyscrapers below it. I continued to admire the room for a bit, but still was puzzled why I was there, it still wasn't part of my memories.
I halted my steps as my gaze laid onto an apparent White door in the dark corner of the room. With a gasp of excitement, I made my way to it, crossing over the pink crystals and other things beneath my steps.

I reached my hand out for the panel to open it, but pulled back to hear the echoes of an argument somewhere at my left. Behind a huge pillar, I snook and peeped over noticing a hallway leading to a continuous straight direction in the far end of the room. Curiosity laced with me as I ambulated into the hallway, leaving the beautiful pink room. The sound of someone arguing became louder and louder as I reached a left turn in the hall.
A wall was blocking my view, but behind it's transparency were two looming shadows which covered over a stream of white light as one apparently being tall and poised, while the other short and prim.

The two figures were shouting words at each other, sounding familiar as I could ever recall.
"Please! I beg you to propound my request, I cannot be-..", the short gem pleaded getting cut off by the other,
"Huughhhh! Don't wry my patience you peasant! For the millionth time, I will not grant your needs. I have spoken with the advisor and this operation cannot be omitted any longer, I will not rest until I get what I deserve!", the tall one spoke sounding profoundly arrogant. 
The shorter gem tensed and shouted, "But, this isn't what you said was going to happen! You promised that my core would be safe!".

"I never agreed to cooperate with you, now if you can just head back to your station, I'll won't bother to destroy you like before.", the tall gem threatened as she squinted.
She faced away from her and looked up, giving the impression that she had enough of listening to her.

It took me a while to realise that the two were both the gems I've seen and heard before. I reached my hand out to grasp the wall (apparently which was a curtain) intending to see the gems behind it, but I waited for a while to watch the scene. The short gem was  infuriated and was tensed up so menacingly that her position was readied to jump and attack the gem facing away from her.

From what I expected, she jumped to the tall gem and at the same time, I tugged the curtain I was grasping onto and revealed a sight which confused me.
The scene changed revealing me and my Diamond in the colony base from my previous memory encounter which Tourmaline showed me back at the testing facility. The voices of the two figures were gone and the curtain I held onto disappeared.

My main focus was now centred to what was happening in the memory. The gem in the scene was jumping her way impending an aggression to my Diamond. It was that moment I remembered most. With nothing but just her two fingers, she clamped the gem jumping at her and with no delay, her equipped weapon with the gem was all that remained of her as shattered pieces of her laid plainly as remnants.
"Pathetic little insurrection..", my Diamond said thinking lowly towards the uprising group.
Tourmaline peered out of nowhere all of a sudden, she ambulated to me as I took notice of her.
"Pearl! I need your help!", she said panting lingeringly. She seemed exhausted. "What is it? but, wait, I kinda have some questions-..", I hoped to ask her but she cut me off,
"Oh no, they're coming! We need to hide!", she exclaimed in shock as she faced somewhere else. "What? What do you mean?, where are you?!", I asked being puzzled.

She ignored my question and ran off into the distant as she disappeared from sight. I was still hoping to get answers on why I kept seeing memories of some other gem's but I kept the urge until I can finally figure my way out or something. I was still aimless and clueless what to do next exactly. I was though daunted and curious about the two shadows of those gems arguing. I still had the thought of who they were, but didn't wanted to assume to soon.
I was lost in my thoughts for too long that I didn't even realise that my memory surrounding had changed. I had only noticed the scene alteration when the flash of white light beamed at me all over, causing me to jump a little.
This time, the memory I was in, was just pure blank darkness.

It was the same place where I had saw Tourmaline before she disappeared. I turned to look at my back after spinning about to look for anything and my face was suddenly introduced to hit a warm body of flesh. I backed up gasping to see what it was, and what I saw clearly was something out of the ordinary.

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