Burden upon ones shoulder (2/4)

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    The procedures after were so horrifying to look at as gems were being forced to feel this extreme pain. I soon realised my waste of time came to an extent and so I continued on crawling forward now ignoring the intriguing conversations below me, reminded of my Diamond in a state of danger. The stroke of memory of my Diamond laying on the floor nearly being swallowed by fire came back to me and frightened me more then ever now. I crawled and crawled forward as light slowly disappeared into darkness but as soon as darkness was now visible, I reached to a stop as I bumped onto a rattle of metal in front of me. I tugged onto the metal shaft like thing as I could feel what I was holding felt like a frame for a ventilation system. I pushed it with all my might until it finally made a budge as a 'tang' sound occured. I kept on pushing and shoving until it finally popped off from its place and fell. I crawled a bit more placing my head out and looked in confusion outside of where I was. This ventilation frame led out into nothing but an abyss like darkness below and I could see above that other buildings towered before the darkness of night.
I managed to get half of my body out from the cramped space but I realised that I had nowhere to stand outside on. I looked around and luckily I found a slight jud of the wall beneath just not that far down enough for me to stand on but falling onto it would be a risk of falling into the abyss below or falling to stand perfectly on it. After some struggles, I got most of my body right out but stopped to rethink if I should go for it or not, I had no choice, I had to. I let myself out and slowly made my way down to fall for a bit and luckily landed onto the jud, although, my body was too unbalanced. I could feel my upper body weighing me over to fall. I waved my arms sideways in circular motion trying to not let myself fall. Thankfully I didn't.
I had no idea what to do now. I looked around trying to utilise something to get me out of here but there was nothing for me to use but a blank wall. There was no way I could ever get anywhere here. I remembered myself of my Diamond once more, which I questioned of her state. I was going to be in so much trouble for not putting my life before her and I had failed my mission to protect her. Cold drops of tears ran down my cheek as I helplessly stared into the abyss down below. I rubbed them off with my arm and looked up to the vent, "maybe... I can find a room to get in and get my way around from there." I thought.
I slowly turned around facing my body to the wall and jumped over to the vent and got in it. I crawled once again into the deep metallic hole blowing of air in darkness. I crawled over passing a few of the peep holes as to some of them were filled with gems and I couldn't have just barge in through, they would see me as an intruder or something.
I finally found a room that was empty, just right pass the room where they were performing experiments on those gems. I looked in it. It was dark, nobody seemed to be in it but although I wasn't sure if I should just go in like that. What if I wasn't supposed to be here, and that this was a private area? But I convinced myself that it wasn't and confidently, I pushed over the frame making a few rattling and clanging but soon, it came right off and fell onto the ground making a loud crash. I kinda regretted doing that but I was pretty sure nobody had heard it.
I moved about and got myself to align with the hole of the vent and I fell straight into the room skilful like.
I was really nervous though, I examined the room, looking at all the amenities present within it.
There was a seat in the middle of the room and a few surgical tables surrounding it as a big illuminant hovered above it. There were a few offline communicators which sat on top of a few desks on the sides of the room. The great Diamond authority symbol marked on the wall right above a door, the insignia had it's Pink Diamond symbol lit which meant that this place belonged to her.
The room seemed to be another testing facility for the project, it had exactly what every other rooms like these had but excluding the presence of gems. I gasped in shock as footsteps suddenly emitted. I looked around and hid underneath a table.
I tried to keep my shaking under control as I nervously panted. The light behind the door was suddenly covered by a figure of a gem. My eyes widened as I placed my arms over my head and tugged my head down over my legs.
      *Taps*    *beep*
The door slid open leaking bright light into the room. The silhouette of a tall gem walked right in and the lights in the room fadedly turn on. It was a Topaz. She was under Yellow Diamond's court as her attire signified it. Another gem stepped into the room, it was an Emerald.
"Topaz, hand me the tranquilizer, these gems aren't getting any patient by the minute." She said to Topaz looking strictly poised.
Topaz looked around trying to find the requested item for her but she seemed to not know where it was. "Its just right beneath that table over there. Hurry up, she's going to lose it, you don't want anything to happen like last time." She pointed at the table where I was hiding in. I trembled in fear and panicked on what to do. As she took each step towards me, I crawled back trying to hide but it was no use, I would still be in clear sight. The Topaz knelt down and gasped looking into the table.

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