Dipping deep (4/4)

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"I told you, it isn't going to work!"
Echoed a voice in the dark, yonder to nowhere could be seen.

"The subject must be deployed to Nebula 6 right now! She can't stand the endu-", another voice barked, also from nowhere, got cut off by a scream.
"This, is not what you think it is.. ugh...", the gem rested her head onto her fist.
"Elites of facet nine will arrive in 6 days. What are we going to explain to them when they arrive with nothing to be shown?", she continued.

A pair of heels appeared into the light following a gem wearing a light - gray uniform stood poised behind the other.
"The test results are insufficient..", the all gray gem exclaimed loudly, "... if we deliberately put a closure to this unfinished monstrosity, the vessel will ravage us..",
She took a step closer into the light,
"Along with the elites...",

The other gem present in the room turned and stood with a remark,
"24J cut D73 will avail with flying colours."
The gray gem quickly replied as her voice echoed loudly.
"With this...", the gem brought out a test tube containing a fluid.
It glimmered a reflective, rainbow shine as the cap for the tube enclosed it with a matching, turquoise colour.

The gray gem's eyes widened.
"Have you gone mad?! 24J cut D73 won't withstand that power. That elixir must be destroyed!!", the moment raised tension.
Friction began to develop as the towering, caped gem, holding the elixir shouted back,
"Don't dare to insinuate such apprehensive claims! Have we even tested the elixir before on any subject?",
The gray gem backed down as she said this,
"N-... no.. but this is no time to take risks!", she found her voice, but shook while speaking.
"... what are we going to tell the diamonds, when we use it? That elixir is one of many that had already been thrown out. What if they find the traces of our usage on these gems? How will we know what sort of effects we will get when these gems are exposed to them? The outcomes are completely unpredictable!",
Multitude memories of ravaging gems came to her mind. The experiments that had failed. The gems who were destroyed.
"...we will put gems who try to elude under high restrains. The facility will manage the rest of your worries. Don't even bother about our reputation, the testing will be omitted from the public's eye. They'll won't even know what goes on..."
She returned back to her seat as she let out a stressed sigh.
The room immediately became silent, as everything but shadows stood still in the dull light.

"Let me be in my chambers...",
The sitting gem exclaimed loudly as it made a detonation throughout the dark.
"I wish to dwell in peace...
Let me know if there are any other disagreements you would like to waste my time on!", she continued with a blatantly mocked tone.

The gray gem hesitated, before bowing in slight fear (and annoyance) to the radiance of the peer before her.
"Very well, my Amazonite....",
She proceeded out of the room, before turning back to speak once more,
".... I hope you know what you are doing...",


Amazonite clutched to her words after thoroughly thinking her decision.
Reluctant, she spoke back,
"May fate... align with desire...",

The doors shut, letting darkness consume her.






Holly Blue Agate became impatient. She was right there with her whip, ready to slash us at any time.

The amethysts and Quartzes gathered around me and Pearl. She was still... lifeless. Nobody in the group of gems knew how to explain her state.
"Is she regenerating?",
One of the gems questioned,
"No, if she is, she would have retreated to her gem by now",
Another remarked.
"Why are her eyes like that?",
One pointed at Pearl's empty - white eyes. Her pupils nowhere in sight.
"Ugh she looks so creepy...",

"Enough!...", a voice shouted cutting through the crowd.
The guards made way for me to witness Holly Blue Agate's terrifying, anger filled expression.
"This is foolish. I think it is time that we take you into custody. Our Diamond is awaiting for your capture!",
She pointed her whip to our direction as she readied to swipe the weapon toward us.

"Urrh, Pearl...", I shook her a little as a response I got was her head dangling by arms as I held her anxiously.
"I think it's time that you.. wake up and help me defeat her by now...",
I began shaking her faster, but still no response.
The wiry lights branching throughout her body began glowing. It glowed yellow... or, blue.. a mix of them, as I notice her finger twitched.

Holly Blue lashed her whip behind her. Her body lowering as she widened her stance. In that brief second, the electric - blue whip dashed to our direction,
"Hah!..", she exclaimed performing a swift gesture of attack.

In the heat of the moment, Pearl inhaled deeply as she lightly levitated from my arms. Light was emitting from her or something because a blinding light consumed my sight.

The whip was merely about to hit us before a blue hue interrupted the attack.
The whip landed far to the side as the mysterious blue aura that had hit it disappeared out of thin air.
"Uugh, what the?...",
Holly Blue Agate infuriated.
She looked at where the aura came from and she immediately crumbled in fear.

Every gem in the room gasped, but, I was confused why.
Holly Blue shook and trembled before bowing down with grace.
Soon, the other gems around us did the same as well, but still, I was perplexed why.

Pearl softly landed to the floor as she regained consciousness.
"Uh, what happened?", she groaned, pinching her forehead out of dizziness.
I gasped and quickly hugged her out of relief. She accepted it before quickly pulling away,
"Wh- what happened? H- Holly Bl-...", Pearl questioned but got cut off by a shhh.

A Nephrite guard glared at us as she made the 'be quiet' gesture with her fingers over her lips.
She returned back bowing down to.... someone.

Over the swarm of Quartzes, high pass the intimidating pillars and ships,
just right by the side of an
Extremely tall door,
stood a towering, cloaked tyrant.
The pure blueness of her gem glimmered intimidatingly to all, as her radiance forced every gem to bask in her presence.
The all powerful, the all mighty, and simply, the all blue leader and dictator of the Blue court was at a stance in the room.
Blue Diamond.

"What is going on here?..",
The soft voice of the tyrant echoed across the whole bay.
Even the forever - working Labradorites came to a halt from their duties.

"Ughh, do we have to deal with this now?", I murmured out of annoyance.

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