Chapter 5 - Legible Emanation (1/2)

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After what had felt to be 2 minutes or so, my heart drowned in anxiety each second we were in that room discussing my attributes, knowing that I had been accused for many different statements I would like to withdraw.

In the separate room right in front of us, the honoured judiciaries had arrived along with our contending party of gems. Usually, my presence would be dismissed during a trial like this, but for an idiosyncratic thing to happen, I am the one being put on trial.
A resonance emitted, signifying the commencements of the trial. The bright whiteness from the room slowly drained from top to bottom, revealing a newer surrounding. A big blank hall. It was the court room. The gems of the court didn't even bother to glance at us, they were all in a sort of, infatuation, being poised in place.

The warp pad lit up again, following a gem warping in right after. It was another Zircon, she was under the Yellow Diamond court. She was quite known for having a great reputation at provoking statements for her clients, putting us at an unfortunate situation. She too was fixated on her screens, looking puzzled and perplexed on what she was reading. My Zircon was no exception. She muttered things like
'Hugh what?', and 'No, no, no', as she continued on the concatenation.
The yellow Zircon walked up introducing herself to the opposing clients, slightly demonstrating a boast in her gestures. Although that, I was still confident enough that my Zircon can handle such tasks as her.

"Okay, deep breaths, no hesitation, put your dedication, to the client you have been chosen..", White Zircon said to herself, assuming to boost her confidence and motivation. The Yellow Zircon just stood there, mocking our state of presentiment, she was looking at me as if I was the most pathetic thing she had ever laid eyes on. However, she eventually had done something that I had least expected for her to do, she turned to us, and walked over to our direction. It was a five second walk over as her clients were seated right over a slightly far area in the room from us. I tried to maintain a straight face though, struggling not to show any emancipation. When she finally got over to us, she faced forward over to the judges again, confidence radiating just from her presence.

"How deliberate of them to consider you as her volunteer...", Yellow Zircon started having a sarcastic tone,
"Its a shame though, maybe this Pearl could've ended up belonging to you..", she continued on.
White Zircon stopped from whatever she was in the middle of doing and retorted back, "Please, were in a judicial process, do not engage such impulsive statements to my client before the trial has even begun."
Yellow Zircon's expression dropped to a wry of a smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do..", White Zircon continued.

With no other comment, Yellow Zircon turned and walked away from us, progressing to the tapping of her screen. After that, nothing much had happened. Both Zircon's still were intuitive on their screens, reading away files and other articles of reports from their submissions. Another sound occured, following two lights illuminating a trail over to a door at the end of the court room. It glowed White, and Yellow. Soon, the door opened. Two Pearls walked in delicately posing as one of them started,
"All rise for the luminous Yellow Diamond!..", who was wearing an all yellow uniform, the general Pearl outfit you would see, with puffy transparent shoulder pads decorated on her shoulders,
"...and the luminescent, White Diamond!..",
The other Pearl said softly. She was wearing an all white uniform. It agitated me, but I didn't wanted to believe what I was assuming.

After the Pearls' introduction, two giant figures warped in right in the middle of the room. White and Yellow Diamond. We all gestured our arms into a Diamond, displaying our sign of respect. They emerged from the warp, looming over everyone, charmingly lavish in sight. The two Pearls swiftly walked over to the authoritarians, only for me to be obstructed from seeing anything. The opposing parties swarmed over to the Diamonds, glorifying their attendance.
"My Diamondsss! My Diamonnnnnnddddsssss" some of them said uselessly.
"Yellow Diamond! It is an honour-", "My dIAmonds!!!"
More and more gems fussed.

"SILENCE! before I thrash you peasants! now... we are here for a trial..", my Diamond started as she stopped to lock her vision on me.
To my Dismay, I simply bowed down, honouring more respect towards the two opulent beings.
"Where is... the accused?", the other Diamond flushed in Yellow began, looking down at the crowd.
It took a moment, but one of them soon said, "there..", assuming that they were pointing at me with a sneer.
My diamond gestured her hand, summoning the two Diamond's thrown next to the official judiciaries. They sat down as both gave a pathetic look at me.

  I sat down as well, along with the other officials and clients in the room in exception to the two Zircons.
The two Diamonds whispered to each other, assuming to discuss about the purpose of this trial. I ignored their argument as I placed my vision over to the White Pearl standing on the pedestal next to my Diamond.
'Who is that Pearl? Who does she think she is? Thinking that she can just introduce My diamond to everyone and have the rights to stand next to my owner!!!?!' I asserted in my head.
All of the officials had also been chattering at each other, this however made my Zircon whisper
"I thought the trial already instigated, what's going on?", I looked at her puzzled as well, as we never took this long to commence a trial.
White Zircon then walked over to the middle of the court and finally broke the silence. "As the prosecuting attorney of the client 'White Pearl', I bring you the Opening statements...", everyone in the room stopped whispering and laid their vision onto Zircon.
"The court of the second judicial circuit, criminal division, is now in session, the Honourable judge Aquamarine and, My Diamonds presiding."
Zircon ended following the Aquamarine as the judge to continue the statement, "Everyone but the Pearls may be seated....
We are gathered today for the commencements of a trail holding for the client, White Pearl, as the accused individual." The Aquamarine announced along an echoing silence.
Yellow Zircon walked up, "Your honour, My Diamonds and esteemed gems present within the room..", she proceeded with her part to start the process.
"My Diamonds. My luminous, opulent, radiant, glimmering Diamonds...", both Diamonds rolled their eyes to the over exaggerated introduction.

"The client 'White Pearl' has been accused for committing crimes outside regular legislations, so unprecedented that one can't help but wonder, why? Client, Peridot 5CH, if you may proceed to the centre.", Yellow Zircon backed away, letting her client take away the spotlight.
All of a sudden, the Peridot started screaming out, "GUILTY! GUILTY! I Declare that, THAT PEALR IS GUILTY!!", so irrational that it made everyone in the room wry in disgust.
"5CH! Please! We are in a dispute, control your levelheaded attitude!", the Aquamarine exclaimed angering at the Peridot.

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