A commander's order (3/3)

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"Maybe she's just lost.", the green gem said as the sweat by my face trickled down.
Hessonite finally gaped at our argument, "Nonsense! What kind of owner would let their Pearl stray off?unless..", she gave me a far off look,
"...you belong to a Diamond..".

Every gem gasped as Hessonite made this conclusion. I could hear they murmur a few words before they stood still in silence. Hessonite kneeled down to me. "My biggest apologies your grace.", she began before tilting her head up to me hesitantly,
"Is- is there anything I can help you with your grace? Should I command this peasant...", she grimaced at the rowdy green gem with her gem on her naval, "..to bring you a delivery? I remorse every bit of word I spat to you, the threat, the violence. I should be shattered immediately by this point. I- I must be replaced!",

"No!..", I exclaimed in dismay. She paused after my loud remark, somehow putting the scene in a silence,
"Why are you being like this?", I asked without thinking as they all gave me a perplexed look.

Hessonite's face grew more worried,
"My apologies, your grace. Please, I beseech that you never speak of this to anyone ...", she desperately implored. My eyes wavered at her and a figure hiding behind a crate, Howlite, motioning her eye to Hessonite for me to answer something.
"Uh, oh, uhm yes, yes of course!", I scoffed, putting on my best impression of an elite. Hessonite sighed before I continued, "... But, you did disturb my work. And a hindering commander such as You, who even failed to recognise my importance, should be eliminated out of post.", Hessonite frantically shook her head, "NO!, I - I mean, No your grace. I promise you, something like this will never happen again. For all, you are the Pearl of wisdom.",

I smirked to the fact that I was manipulating her now. As a final threat I said, "well, would you like me to tell on you to My Diamond? Leave! Get out of my sight! And lock all the doors while your at it.", Hessonite jumped up along with her troops and bowed shakily, "ye- yes your grace! It has been a pl- pleasure basking under your presence.", they all said in near sync and left clambering up the stairway and out the entrance.

The door slid shut and a beep echoed throughout the whole Bay.
Immediately Howlite, Zircon and Tourmaline jumped out of their hiding as it was finally safe to come out.
They all headed towards me as Tourmaline came up ahead and squeezed me in her arms,
"Oh my stars, are you alright? What took you so Long? Is your elbow okay? Did the rest of your body get infected?",
I was about to answer her questions but Howlite pulled me over to the side,
"Oh my stars! That was soo cool! How the heck did they find out that you belonged to a diamond?"

"I don't kno..", without letting me finish, she tapped the diamond shape on my chest, "maybe, it was because of your attire! Ooh, you are just wonderful, I knew you would come to a use!", she rippled joyously. I gave back a warm smile at her and looked to the others. Tourmaline struggling to keep in her worry towards me.
A second later, Zircon finally caught up and shoved us apart, "what are you guys doing? We've got no time for touching moments, look!", she pointed her finger over to the door. It's panel glowed green and it opened.

"Quick, follow me!", Zircon motioned her hand at us as she went off and ran somewhere to the edge of the Bay. We trailed behind her but we soon made a stop once the ships around us started to float. I gasped and turned to hide somewhere under a compartment unit. The others dashed off leaving me and Howlite cramped inside a single space. Under the curtains of the compartment unit, we witnessed as tons, and tons of gems marched towards a direction.
"I don't understand, the room was void of gems a while ago. Why are they out now?!", I whispered to Howlite who's face pressed hard against the walls of the tiny space. In a Low voice she replied, "off hours is done. Now the gems are back on duty..."

She gave me a mystified look,
"Why don't you know most about what goes on here. I mean, I've been hiding inside an abandoned power unit for nearly decades and I still know how things work on homeworld..",

"Abandoned power unit?", I questioned in concern. She contemplated at me and blushed, "well uh, never mind. Now were gonna have to wait for nearly 46 hours until the next off hours is back. This is seriously unbearable!", she faced away as she crossed her arms in a manageable gesture through the cramped space. Her large silky gown poofing up at my face wasn't really helping in trying to satisfy the mood. I could tell that Howlite was now uncomfortable of the moment since I emphasised on the 'abandoned power unit' she mentioned, and so I stroke up a conversation with her,
"Hey, uh, we haven't really established a good introduction, and this whole journey to escape has been kinda abrupt lately so.. hi.. I'm Pearl.", she faced towards me with glistened eyes.
"I'm Howlite, but you already know that..",
I continued,"... I used to serve White Diamond as her faithful and loyal Pearl, as you can tell, but I soon became curious on my Diamond's actions. I became my own espionage and peeped in to the Royal Diamond archives where I found many horrible things nobody should have seen."

"You Used to be abused?", she asked as her finger twirled a stray strand of hair on her shoulder. "I know how that feels..", she continued.
"Well, Long story short, I escaped out of a fiery incident. Dropped down to Homeworld. Escaped out of a crazy testing facility, with Tourmaline. Ended up getting caught and put on trial in front of two diamonds aaand, then you helped me escape where we both got along with Zircon, we'll sort of.",
She gave an amazed look, "you went through all of that? And you still bare to move on?", she shook her head still in awe,
"I'm just so amazed.", she continued.

She looked down and began her tale, "Well, my story is nothing close to being tragic like yours. It all happened before "the incident"...", I stopped her by that point and asked,
"The incident?",
"Yes, the incident! Tourmaline didn't tell you? You know, the time when..."

Just then, a strong, raspy voice shouted, "HEY! Who said that?!" And immediately we panicked in a hassle. We stared out through the closed curtains of the compartment and the silhouette of a pair of legs were standing right in front so us.
We both exchanged worried looks. We were talking too loud.
My heart was racing and Howlite was completely nerve-racked. Both of us hugged each other and glared to the walls of the cramped space in fear.
"It was nice on finally getting to know you Pearl.", Howlite Whispered.
"You too." I mumbled.

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