Dipping Deep (2/4)

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I grimaced at the Agate. The menacing, blue gem smiling mockingly at the state of Howlite's despair.

I suddenly felt anger rush through me as she continued chuckling at our presence. My hands quivered and formed a fist as I knelt down, grabbing hold of a shard from the broken tile pieces. I spun it around my hand, feeling the sharpness press against my skin. Probably enough to cut through a gem's physical form.

In a heap of confidence I bolted across the room, aiming the object at the disgusting gem.
"Oh- oh my. Ahaha, and what if they even caused the malfunction of Terminal W- 12, am I right?", she mockingly joked with one of the Quartz in the crowd.

Howlite looked up and gasped,"Pearl, what are you doing?", She exclaimed as I got closer and closer and once I was near her, I pulled my grasping hand into the air, aiming the shard straight for her as guards all around gasped. She turned and dodged my swift attack.
"Oh?", she retorted. My hand darted for her again, but she dodged it too.
"What's this? A Pearl in combat?", she continued. I groaned letting my hand freely strike at her, but each time I did  she swiftly jumped backwards in an agile process. It was clear that she wasn't threatened by my moves but nevertheless that didn't stop me from wanting to poof her.

Some of the Quartz soldiers began to approach me, huddling around as they obstructed my way from Holly Blue.
A hand from the crowd was just about to restrain me when a voice demanded otherwise,
"No! let me see what she can do in this fight. Something like this doesn't usually happen often, right?", Holly Blue ordered aloud.
All of the Quartz soldiers obeyed her command and backed away from me, forming a small circular gathering for the fight.

Howlite sat crossed legged on the floor a few metres away, vexation evident in her expression. The shard was ready in my hand as I pointed it to Holly Blue with a face that portrayed rage. She laughed at my "fierce" stance and brought her hand behind her neck.
Something glowed as she did this. Her gem. She pulled out a glowing silhouette of a handle from it, which quickly manifested as she slashed it's ropy and wiry structure onto the concrete ground. Equipped with her was a long, electric whip that glimmered threatening bolts of flashing blue rays of light.
I gulped, rubbing off a drop of sweat running down my face.

This was it. My first proper combat with anyone in my entire existence. 
The crowd of Quartzes cheered to their Agate and some even murmured,
"Wow, This is unprecedented!"
"Heh, this Pearl is gonna lose!"
"Is she being serious? I'd rather take this Pearl to be mine."
I dropped my eyes to a wry hearing the last one.
"Well, ready when you are...", Holly Blue leisured.
I gathered an ample amount of courage within me and nodded.

In that immediate moment, the blazing whip she wielded was brought high in the air and was aimed to slash it's victim. Me.
The ropy part of the whip quickly dashed and came right for me.
I was about to dodge her attack but, I couldn't move! My body, my arms, my legs suddenly felt as if they were....numb. It was not much longer until the whip was going to hit me. I was terrified.
The whip lashed onto the floor. sighing I said in my thoughts, "she missed me..", but something felt awfully wrong.

My elbow began to emit a pain. The same sensation of when I had, back in the testing facility. "Oh no not this again...",
I interjected with a shaky voice.
The scratch on my elbow glowed and the same glimmering veins coursed through all my limbs. Holly Blue, the crowd and Howlite could do nothing but witness what was happening to me. Soon my vision started to become blurry and I was losing sight of what was around me. "Pearl?.. Pearl!!!", Howlite's pleads were the last thing I heard before I blacked out.



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